
Pheromones, natural aphrodisiacs?

Pheromones exist in several species of animals, both vertebrates and invertebrates. They are chemical messengers used for communication between subjects of the same species. This is secretions that act as signal and cause sexual reactions after being tested or smelled.

We can cite as examples the vaginal secretions of the rhesus mona, which have been chemically identified as short-chain aliphatic acids, which are due to sexual stimulation in male of the species. There are also signs that humans emit and react to certain smells.

In this regard it is significant that seek to do away with all our natural body odors and replace by perfumes containing substances such as musk-than in other species serve as a sexual stimulant.

Humans also segregations
Some data tell us that human pheromones also segregated. In our body there is a set of glands called "apocrine" which are considered non-functional.

However, in other species, these glands are linked to the production of pheromones. The foreskin of the male and lips of the vulva of women contain glands that produce secretions fragrant. In an experiment in laboratory samples of vaginal secretions of 50 young women and it was proved that contained aliphatic acids, the same substances that produce sex appeal in the rhesus monkey.

The presence of these acids reached its highest level in the middle part of the female cycle, in the era of increased likelihood of pregnancy. It is interesting to note that the increase of these substances does not occur in women who have suppressed ovulation by the use of oral contraceptives. Demonstrated that the secretion of them is related to ovulation, although we still do not know what is the importance they have in the human species.

On the other hand, a team of British researchers isolated a sex pheromone from the sweat of men. This substance, concentrated, it smells like sandalwood oil, as everyone knows, is often used in perfumes. According to these researchers, pheromones produce an odor that attracts women.

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