
Pregnancy as a couple is better

Both pregnant
Today, few people expect the baby arrives to begin exercising his new role of dedicated parents. The majority knows that a parent is not born of overnight and sought to prepare before. In addition, they are also aware that everything made by the couple during pregnancy will affect the welfare of their future child.

There are many things that can make a man waiting for the sweet:

•Support to the future mother at all times. The gestation usually produce big ups and downs in mood. There are days when women feel insecure and melancholy, and at such times is crucial to have the support of his partner.

•Participate in purchases of items of the future baby, helping women to perform the exercises in preparation for childbirth, accompanied on walks and visits to the gynecologist.

•Inform yourself about pregnancy and childbirth.

•Visiting a course of preparation for motherhood. Currently, most gynecologists are in favor of the presence of the father at birth. Even it is normal to seek their collaboration in controlling the contractions or in the observation of fetal monitoring, things that can not be done without knowing in advance how it develops childbirth. These courses also have another equally important goal: to clarify all doubts that arise and to dispel fears that could lead to the expected, also for men.

•Communicate with your baby. There are experts who claim
that the fetus had been stimulated with caresses and words a child is very healthy and safe.

•Finalize the preparations for delivery. Making the journey from home to motherhood at different times. Be aware of what is required "that day" (documents, calendar ...) and have everything ready in case an emergency occurs.

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