1... to call them in a very followed way.
2... to tell her that that really, very early in the relationship.
3... to give all your power to her and to transform it into the boss of the relationship.
4... always to ask to the woman that are what she wants instead of being a leader.
5... to behave in a submissive and weak way.
6... to always accept your lawsuits and injunctions.
7... to be your carpet and to arrange your necessities below those of her.
But. How are you possible that demonstrating your feelings for a woman calling it every time that you think of her, saying you as you feel, leaving her to decide that to make, and can to put it in the first place to her be considered annoying?
The women, and especially the most attractive, consider that written previously as very annoying and exasperating.
They should have something in mind. The women are not attracted toward silly men and needful.
The attraction is not something that one can choose. The women don't feel one day to make a list of all the qualities that a man can have, you stop later to think it seriously for some days and then to decide if they will be attracted or not for that boy.
The attraction passes in an instant, and you go by a great quantity of reasons that they can seem illogical. Reason that inclusive the women cannot describe.
You wanted them to observe two people chatting. They will be able to note that most of the conversation happens through the corporal language and the voice shade; and very not very mediating the meaning of the words.
In my previous posts I have repeated different times that the women men that are safe prefer and come closer to the arrogance. But the arrogance for if single bush any opportunity of attraction. But if this you are blended with the enough quantity of humor, everything radically changes.
Now, as expressing this trust and surety in oneself by means of the corporal language.
You walk right, mantén the head on high and you arrange the shoulders back.
You diminish the speed of your movements and you carry out dilatory and calculated expressions.
Make visual contact with the woman's eyes and maintain it. Not remove this contact until the woman makes it and you can raise one of your brows a little (a little almost imperceptible).
You begin to take more space for you. If these seated one, don't cross neither the legs neither the arms. Mantén your remote legs and your shoulders back. Always arrange you leaning back.
You are incredible that so quick the women can detect necessity and insecurity in a man, without this you say a single word.
When a man is safe of if same, this is something very attractive for the women in a level non conciente for them. What I mean is that this car-trust, active some part in the brain of the women that cause attraction toward that man without they can avoid it.
Another way to demonstrate trust in one is to use the pause while one speaks. To pause pertinent you believe suspended and pressure. If you merge the pauses with a corporal good language, a good voice shade and a look of seriousness, you will create an air of power and trust that will be made very difficult to resist to the women.
Equivocation Nº 1: To be an arbitrator with the women
The women don't base your selection approaches for a man in that so good you are this with her. They choose certain men because these they make them feel a powerful feeling to your interior.
To be good with them doesn't create this feeling of attraction.
To be good with them doesn't make the women to choose them.
Equivocation Nº 2: To be about convincing a woman that he likes.
What do the men make when they know a woman that they like a lot, but doesn't she simply have the minimum interest in them?
Correct!!! They are about convincing her so that you sit down different.
I have you a notice. You will "never be able to change that that a woman when you are about attraction."
If a woman doesn't feel attraction for you, How do you want your to change what feel being reasonable and logical with her?.... Impossible.
When a woman is not simply interested, we request, we beg, we follow them, we are about making them think they would be of happy with us in how.
Very bad you devise. that never works.
Equivocation Nº 3: To expect from her your approval and licence.
In our desire of pleasing a woman, us the men are always making things to obtain your approval and licence.
The women don't feel attraction for men that are behind of them as lap dogs.
You are more, the women to the final one end feeling that those men are a nuisance.
Equivocation Nº 4: To be about winning your affection buying sews you.
How many times you have taken to eat a woman to luxurious places, have you bought you gifts and flowers and have you simply rejected you for a man that treated her half of well that you?
This is completely natural that happen. reason?
Because these sending a message saying
"Not I believe that you like so for what I am, I will be about buying you attraction and you appreciation"
Your good intentions are interpreted by the women like an offset by the insecurity that you have and as weak attempts of "manipulation"
Equivocation Nº 5: To express what you feel very early in the relationship.
Not there is you swim well in the world to drive away an attractive woman that I "really like" to tell you after a pair of appointments."
This makes the women that you don't have control think and that your options of women are simply limited her. something that can kill any light attraction that can feel for you.
So if you really like that girl. DON'T TELL IT TO HIM VERY SOON!!!
Equivocation Nº 6: Not to know as the attraction works in the women
The women are completely different to the men as soon as you tata of feeling attraction for the opposite sex.
The women are attracted to the man's different qualities. And you are much more important as them they make them feel that that so handsome they are.
If you know as using you corporal language and your communication with the women, you can create, in them, that powerful feeling of attraction for you.
And the best thing of everything, is that it can be learned.
Equivocation Nº 7: To think that one needs money and beauty.
This is one of the biggest equivocations, because you make the man to surrender before attempting anything with a woman, thinking in that she is interested alone in handsome and wealthy men.
And although they exist women that alone they are interested in the money and the beauty of a man, most of women are interested more in the legal capacity of a man than in your wallet or like leave.
Legal capacities that attract the women exist. Alone you have to know which are.
Equivocation Nº 8: To give all your power to the woman.
Similar to wait the approval and a woman's licence.
To give the power to a woman, you are to make all that she wants, to go to where she wants to go, to make what she wants to make, to ask you where you want to eat, to ask you where you want to dance, etc. Very very bad you devise.
Equivocation Nº 9: Not to know that to make in each status with the woman.
The women always know what you are thinking.
The women are better 10 times reading the corporal language that the men.
If you are in an appointment and you want to kiss her. she knows it. And if you don't make anything in this respect, you don't know as kissing her, you don't know as coming closer. she won't simply help a lot you. And you will end as an insecure and doubtful man. And this is germane to each stage of the relationship, from requesting you the telephone until having relationships.
Equivocation Nº 10: Not to request neither to search help.
The biggest equivocation of all.
The men don't like you you turn as weak and needy, you are for that reason that they don't search or they request help in how to improve your game with the women.
A point that can improve always exist. One is not born with all the wisdom of the world, you are for that reason that you are to know when one needs help, you are for that reason that you are to know how to request it, you are for that reason that you are to delete all pride and knowledge that one, with the help of other, it can improve vastly.
How do people react when they know a new person and do they feel attraction for this?
Before an even potential, the women think "I like you, I would like to know yourself better, and to see as this works.
Before an even potential, the men think you are "Really beautiful and I am thinking of you like a potential girlfriend"
The men spread to think that each woman that you/they know and they are attracted toward her you are a potential girlfriend. This believes a great quantity of pressure and pressure on if same that are transmitted as edginess.
The women that are before men tense and nervous empiesan to feel not very comfortable, ruining any opportunity of success in the first appointment and killing the initial attraction.
Which the solution is to this whole pressure and pressure?
If you begin to act all nervous one, you will simply ruin everything before you begin. To treat a woman that newly know as if she could be the mother of your children you are something that simply NEVER debit sides to make.
To avoid this whole edginess, debit sides to imagine as if she was an old friend with which you maintain a great trust. Don't tell you anything, you look to the eyes for some seconds and you think of her as your old friend. This will help you to feel a little more comfortable in appearance of her.
Once you feel more comfortable before her it begins to use the technique of being a little arrogant with sense of humor (the 2 ingredients in the same quantity). You begin to bother it with roguery and you will see that she begins you to bother of turn, this is one of the most inflammable chemists to light the attraction between a man and a woman.
You think I am "so comfortable with you that I can bother you a little without worrying that you think of my"
Then, Which are you that thing that most of men that are not very successful with the women, make that everything ruins?. The first thing to avoid:
To feel comfortable in front of them, to bother them a little and to insinuate you that they are you those that are judging them are the keys to be successful in the first appointments.
After you have known a woman that are interested and with which you want to maintain a relationship a little more stable, you should keep in mind that, very probably, you are not the first man in being interested in her, reason why debit side to have some test men that want to be involved with her managing.
To maintain the attraction of a woman in you, you are one of those processes that work contrary to what the logic and the common sense would preach. You are for this reason that should have in account that:
1... to her they are brought near men the whole time.
2... most of the men end behaving as dogs that make all that she requests you.
3... when a man acts too well and very soon in the relationship, she sees this as a sign of necessity and debility. That which are anything attractiveness.
Now think of something:
What factors do they make that your you want something? How do you make that somebody something wants?
You think, reason wants certain things in your life...
1... most of the things that people want don't go of agreement with the logic.
2... we simply want what we cannot have. And once you have it, this becomes communio and boring.
3... to know that something is easily alcanzable makes you to get lost the interest quickly.
You are so the factors that make that somebody wants something they would be:
1... to create a challenge.
The challenges make people to think and analyze the forms of reaching that something. You are for this reason that the women stay parties to a bill in men that are a challenge, because they maintain them thinking of him, in how to make him to fall in love more or how him to make is safer in the relationship.
2... you give you some something and take off it.
When you give something to a woman and then you take off it, believe a feeling in her of I "Want more than that", "What I make so that me of more than that" what will cause that you stay thinking of you.
3... you give you the gift of missing you.
For the women, thinking you, missing you, and advancing the how you will be proximate time that you/they are together, it can create much more attraction than when they are really together.
4... you impredecible.
To be impredecible acts as magic with the women. Make an analogy with the cinema. A completely predictable movie is a BORING movie. A movie impredecible is a movie with high possibilities of winning an Oscar.
When a man knows as making a woman to be attracted, he won't make anything predictable. To be impredecible forces the woman to think of him the whole time.
I remember clearly like you were me some years ago. When every time that wanted to come closer to an unknown woman, you entered me a great fear and an ugly sensation existed in my stomach. Then did I begin to think. "but to that am you afraid? am I you afraid to them? am I you afraid to your reactions? or am I simply you afraid to that tell me that not?". Initially I began to describe each fear. To them he/she could not be you afraid, because you didn't really believe that they could harm me (physique). So he/she feared to your reactions and to that tell me that not.
After book credit tried with many women, I can assure you that your reactions, when a man comes closer, they go in a range from neuter until positive. Very rarely, but very rarely, they have responded me in an angry way, or they have told me something bad or they have felt offended. In the worst in the cases, them simply mehan responded coldly and they have left walking.
Also, I have reached a conclusion. When they don't respond you in a positive way, you are issue of them. They are those of the problem. They are not in a good mood in that moment, to them it passed you something bad you make some instants, or they are not available, or they are speeded; or they are simply some bad people. Not it is that I have made something bad that is to say completely repellent or any thing for the style. I learned that a negative of a woman (that which you/they usually make it in an educated way) should not take it personnel staff that have been against my that have been my blame. This way I was able to exit airy of a negative to search the following woman that can be more receptive. As conclusion I can tell you that I learned how to ask me a question "If this woman told me that not. will reason deprive other women of the pleasure of knowing me?" and I have been able this way to know many many women.
Us, since we are not neither handsome neither gallants neither models, we know that the attraction that a woman can feel for a man is not logical and neither you/he/she is something that the women can choose. The attraction is certain answers to specific behaviors that the man can take place.
We have discovered that the sense of humor is the best way to conquer a woman. But you are to know as using it. You should not begin silly jokes that the only thing that you/they make is to make yourself seem stupid to rush. So that the sense of humor works debit sides to be a little arrogant. The sense of humor should be made against her (to this I referred with which the attraction is not logical). You should bother it, either with what you dressed, with what say, with your likes, etc.
This sense of humor type, besides making you see like a completely confident person, also gives cause to her so that you bother you. And this my friends are the best form of sexual excitation. This sense of humor type believes some emotional incredible and powerful answers in them.
This way, you take an arrogant comment and add you some humor. That if, never laugh too much at what your same one says. A petty smile is more than enough. So get ready to bother them, get ready so that they bother you and peparate for everything.
To conquer a woman, him first that you have to make you are to carry out a deep change in your interior. Out the fears, the anxieties, the necessities. Inside the surety and the autoconfianza. If you cannot be a confident person of if same, you will never be able to conquer any woman. You sound cruel but you are certain. They where can be backupped, like a man somebody that them safe-deposit and protection. If you are a losing, completely insecure and needy total, they will simply begin you to fly, neither they will notice you. So the first lesson is you change internally and you a man with the trust and self-esteem well in the high thing. Also, this will help you in all the aspects of your life.
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