2.- To that fantasy he/she continues to have you sex with a stranger. One of each five women (21%) fantasizes this way. In occasions it is about somebody well-known of the immediate environment of the dreamer one. But most of the times is somebody seen down the street few times, in the work, or in any quotidian other environment.
3.- 19% of the women, mainly the youngest, fantasize with which they are indebted to have sexual relationships for well-known or unknown. You are about fantasies, of getting excited by means of facts that can give illness for the status created to your surroundings (to be defenseless before the other one can be excitant for very resolutory many people in the actual life), but that doesn't involve a desire, neither direct neither constructive, of being violated or of causing violations.
4.- With more than a person of the opposite sex it occupies the fantasy of 18% of the women. And you are part of that necessity of imagining status that, probably, they would not be able to carry out in the actual life.
5.- A number bigger than heterosexual women that fantasize with having sexual relationships with somebody of the same sex of men: 11%. This happens this way because the women receive the same taste culturally that the men for the feminine beauty and they are able to admire her without mufflers homófobos.
6.- Finally, the fantasy that occupy the last place among the women is the one of forcing somebody to have sexual relationships without your consent or with a forced consent. This fantasy occupies to 3% of the women. You appear with less frequency that in the men, in fact for that general pattern of fantasizing feminine that suppose you turn as receptoras of the sexual activity exercised by others. In that context, to force third people to make something is almost outside of place, because you would demand to be more enabled than receptive.
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