If somebody has a lot of LDL, more risk runs of suffering illnesses of the heart. Therefore, it is good to have high HDL and low LDL. If the level of HDL is among 40 or more, it is at a healthy level. If it is in less than 40, he is not.
It is necessary to have present that the organism all the cholesterol that he/she needs to be healthy takes place. The same one arrives to the organism with the foods of high content of saturated (whole milk, lard, cheeses cream, pig fat, vegetable lard, fat flesh, cold cuts, inlaid) fats; and the cholesterol (egg yolk, viscera: liver, brains, kidneys). It is necessary to limit the usage of these foods since with the years the cumulative cholesterol it can clog up the arteries.
It is necessary to maintain the cholesterol to less than 200. if somebody has the cholesterol between 200 and 239, it is in risk and it is necessary that in an urgent way he/she makes changes in the power supply, diminishing the usage of saturated fats and cholesterol. For ésto, it will raise the usage of fruits, vegetables and grains, as well as the physical activity. If the you live them off cholesterol they are in more than 240, the person has a cardiac high risk and you/he/she should consult to her physician in immediate form.
To reduce or to maintain the cholesterol level in normal blood, of debit side to delete the most possible thing, the use of fat of animal origin: the most high and rich font in saturated fats. In such a case, fish will be chosen that is rich in fat desaturadas (omega 3). It will also raise the fiber usage adding to the diet breads, cookies and rice integrals. He/she will also have breakfast a bowl of rich cereal in fiber, preferably oat; and to raise the usage of dry such vegetables as lentils, beans of soy, beans, chickpeas that can be added in salads, soups and stews. It is convenient to add bran of oat in the foods like stews, to thicken and I eat element of union or in the mixture for pancakes.
It is necessary to use milk descremada and to avoid the caffeine, as well as to consume a maximum of two cups of up-to-date coffee and to reduce the usage of sodas queue, chocolate and tea. It is important to include five portions of fruits (with shell when it is possible) or up-to-date vegetables. During the preparedness of flesh, it is necessary to try to delete all the visible fat, and to the chicken to remove him/her the skin before cooking it.
It is advisable also, to include protein of soy in the power supply like part of a low diet in gr4asas and cholesterol. He/she can reduce the risk of cardiovascular illness and it is enough with 25 grs. up-to-date.
It is important the usage of dry fruits for their contribution of set up fat poli. He/she should decrease the calories serving pettier portions and in pettier plates that seem full. Not to chop foods to untimely moment or for pleasure, neither to be served in excess. It is necessary to eat slowly and to reduce the usage of alcoholic drinks. It should not be bought worthless nutritional products by temptation and less to try to take them to the homestead.
It is necessary to know that the changes in the cholesterol induced by the diet begin to the 3 or 4 weeks and they remain stable while the diet is continued. It should be controlled that the children don't abuse of the goodies, fast food, and industrial bollería. It is necessary to teach them to consume fruits in their school snacks. It is not about prohibiting, but of educating in a healthy and equilibrated power supply that he/she will help them to transform into healthy adults.
It is necessary to have present that the organism all the cholesterol that he/she needs to be healthy takes place. The same one arrives to the organism with the foods of high content of saturated (whole milk, lard, cheeses cream, pig fat, vegetable lard, fat flesh, cold cuts, inlaid) fats; and the cholesterol (egg yolk, viscera: liver, brains, kidneys). It is necessary to limit the usage of these foods since with the years the cumulative cholesterol it can clog up the arteries.
It is necessary to maintain the cholesterol to less than 200. if somebody has the cholesterol between 200 and 239, it is in risk and it is necessary that in an urgent way he/she makes changes in the power supply, diminishing the usage of saturated fats and cholesterol. For ésto, it will raise the usage of fruits, vegetables and grains, as well as the physical activity. If the you live them off cholesterol they are in more than 240, the person has a cardiac high risk and you/he/she should consult to her physician in immediate form.
To reduce or to maintain the cholesterol level in normal blood, of debit side to delete the most possible thing, the use of fat of animal origin: the most high and rich font in saturated fats. In such a case, fish will be chosen that is rich in fat desaturadas (omega 3). It will also raise the fiber usage adding to the diet breads, cookies and rice integrals. He/she will also have breakfast a bowl of rich cereal in fiber, preferably oat; and to raise the usage of dry such vegetables as lentils, beans of soy, beans, chickpeas that can be added in salads, soups and stews. It is convenient to add bran of oat in the foods like stews, to thicken and I eat element of union or in the mixture for pancakes.
It is necessary to use milk descremada and to avoid the caffeine, as well as to consume a maximum of two cups of up-to-date coffee and to reduce the usage of sodas queue, chocolate and tea. It is important to include five portions of fruits (with shell when it is possible) or up-to-date vegetables. During the preparedness of flesh, it is necessary to try to delete all the visible fat, and to the chicken to remove him/her the skin before cooking it.
It is advisable also, to include protein of soy in the power supply like part of a low diet in gr4asas and cholesterol. He/she can reduce the risk of cardiovascular illness and it is enough with 25 grs. up-to-date.
It is important the usage of dry fruits for their contribution of set up fat poli. He/she should decrease the calories serving pettier portions and in pettier plates that seem full. Not to chop foods to untimely moment or for pleasure, neither to be served in excess. It is necessary to eat slowly and to reduce the usage of alcoholic drinks. It should not be bought worthless nutritional products by temptation and less to try to take them to the homestead.
It is necessary to know that the changes in the cholesterol induced by the diet begin to the 3 or 4 weeks and they remain stable while the diet is continued. It should be controlled that the children don't abuse of the goodies, fast food, and industrial bollería. It is necessary to teach them to consume fruits in their school snacks. It is not about prohibiting, but of educating in a healthy and equilibrated power supply that he/she will help them to transform into healthy adults.
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