To carry out it it comes in the following way:
Elije a fruit or vegetable that you displease yourself, either for your form, color or flavor. Not it imports the reason, the objective you are that you don't like. The only condition, is that this debit side to possess carozo. Then open it for the half and put in the cavity that he/she left the carozo a paper with the person's name that he/she think that you want to damage yourself.
You wrap the fruit or the vegetable that you have cut and elect previously in aluminum paper. Then save it in the freezer of your refrigerator. Leave it resting in this place for a term of three days, to the end of those which, you will retract the wrapping of the cooler. Have the diligence of putting on gloves for not receiving any negative vibration.
After ésto, put the fruit or vegetable in a bag of residual and you go to some place in ruins that you will choose before carrying out this ritual.
Once you are in the chosen place, you take out the vegetable or fruit of the bag (always wrapped in aluminum) and throw it to it there more far that you can. You are important that you go with the on gloves and carry out the whole procedure with them covering the hands.
We recommend you to practice this ritual one day Tuesday in the morning, to take advantage of the force of Mars, the God of the war and aliased natural in any combat, which are very necessary in this case to be about a defense.
You are also fundamental that for any reason you throw the fruit or vegetable to the jar of the garbage. You should be aborted to the bleakness. Otherwise, the contrahechizo won't have to be able to.
Practice it and you will see the results!
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