Since you began to use for the electricity generation, the solar energy has been an alternative font whose use has gone growing in an exponential way. And here we have already seen different alternatives, as the impelled one for Google.
The problem is that the production of solar facilities is still something expensive, what end up reducing your market to a niche for some few ones. For if you were little, your strength is quite reduced, what involve that they are not too many the devices that can be fed this way: in consequence the depreciation of this type of investments is more dilatory.
But that can be to change thanks to Steven's work Novack, of National Idaho Labortory that affirm book credit desarollado a new type of solar panels. Thanks to the nanotechnology, the surface of these panels is printed with minuscule nano antennas that can capture the infrared radiation that are plentiful during the day but that, still during the night, you are present.
This would allow to obtain solar energy the 24 hours, something that will surely contribute to make much more income-producing the facilities of this type. And not alone that, but rather the grade of energy absorption achieved this way climbs until 80%, against 40% that are the habitual one with the solar fabricated panels with silicon. If that wasn't enough, the method invented by Novack will allow the production of solar panels that you/they can bend, reverting them extremely practical for your transportation and easy installation.
The difficult only aspect up to now is the one of being able to transform the energy obtained in electricity, since the nano antennas has each a very little strength and your value is given on the whole by your work. Certainly that in this aspect they are working the scientists. When they have solved it finally we will be able to have solar really actual and economic panels.
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