
Venice in carnival

The city tries to forget the loss of your political and commercial influence with an exquisite and elegant carnival of five days whose maximum acme took place in the XVIII century, when you ended up extending the celebrations until a period of six months a year, in the one that were allowed to take mask and people went to the word with the expression "Mrs. mask."

The current programa is complete: Saturday with jugglers and jazz in the square San Marco and dance of disguises in Via Garibaldi, with prevalence of time dresses. Of Sunday a Tuesday, big you scroll and gincanas for the you take care that culminate in the cavalcade of Tuesday in the Field della Bragora, and final party in the Field of the Ghetto Nuovo. The king goes accompanied by your wife. The whole days, also, they are organized parties in Sacred Field Stefano (llamasa "the disco more peuqeña of the world") and the Casino, as well as a special carefulness to the electronic music in streets and clubs.

Three million salesmen a year visit the 117 channels ("rii") with your respective gondolas; the banks of Brenta, where the patricians lifted magnificent mansions that are reflected in the waters of the channels; Chioggia, fishermen's city that represent a more popular Venice, or Carole's old center that surround the cathedral románica.

The most interesting alternative to sleep, they are the rent "palazos", habit that began for private parties and that you have left extending. You are them for different pockets. Tambiém exists a comprehensive economic offer of housings and houses of vacations.

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