
Without dust no life

The powder can also be beneficial. In fact, it is essential: the Sun and other stars were beginning dusty, when microscopic particles joined together to form the Solar System. When the stars die, with the dust that are made will give life to a new generation.

On Earth, dust is important. To begin with, if the planet was completely clean, it would be very hot and humid. Without it, the water vapor to condense not begin until the relative humidity reaches 300%.

It would have almost no dust clouds, since water vapor sticks to the surfaces of granite dust. And fair weather, the heat would be unbearable.
Over billions of years of rock dust of the desert has nurtured some of the more desolate regions of the world, carrying iron and nutrients.

On glaciers, for example, the dust comes as a catering service, for such forms of life that most extremophile known. Even within the glaciers there is life that thrives thanks to dust in the oceans and increasing the productivity of plankton.

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