While witnessing a time when the machinery, indeed, has taken over much of the human labor, one might think that in the future, robots of all kinds, both domestic appliances such as personal computers, can dominate people.
This is not a dictatorship of cybernetics on the human, at least not in the strictly practical. The functions of command, government, etc.., Continue to be assumed by people of flesh and blood. But it is remarkable how the world of computer technology is introduced into everyday life, and this leads to believe, with much merit, that soon no one can live without its network of terminals, computers and services to which can be accessed only through modems, mice, keyboards, software, software, etc..
The future is dominated by the convenience and speed that offers a computerized world, a society in which they may make the purchase, go to the dentist or doing business through a screen and its computer network.
Faced with the practical, is the only alternative to joining these facilities and integrate them into our routine. A new industry and a new society, with its ethical code and renewed their schemes, is taking shape before this revolution in artificial intelligence.
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