
How to detect child abuse

-- A child who suffered mistreatment by their parents is not necessarily son of a family and unstructured class economically weak. The middle classes and professionals give an index unfortunately high.

-- The boy or girl does not say - mostly - who are abused as generally assumed as if they were guilty of something they do not understand.

-- The two positions normal response to ill-treatment are entirely different:
In one case, the child is enclosed in itself and invents a fantasy world with some parents ideals, even reaches say that their parents have died or dreams of it. In the second case, the child played behaviour with friends and family dolls, developing an aggressiveness that you become a child difficult and increasing personal problems at home.

-- In case of discovering an abused child, the case should be reported to school or the police (if they encounter significant physical) ..

-- Never should accuse a child who told us brutality. Must be a psychologist to decide whether it should be and that this intervention strategy to adopt.

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