
How to settle scores with the past

The techniques that allow freedom from karma are diverse. The opening of the chakras and cleaning is very effective. Another method is suitable for past life regression, as well as psychotherapy, and so on. But the fact of detecting problems and changing
attitude that this generates, and is an essential first step to weaken the karma and begin to dissolve. Also, there are attitudes that are positive to reduce the weight of a karmic debt.

• Cultivating good humor, friendliness and comfort to those who are approaching us.

• View real instruments in the children of God and never herirlos.

• Share what was taking, in the certainty that the Law of Providence will never allow him missing anything.

• To forgive those who trespass against or mistreated, with the understanding that they are people who crossed his path in order to accelerate the payment of its debts kármicas.

• respect yourself, and tending the body and entertainment companies looking to rejoice the spirit.

• Do not avoid any inconvenience, but try to deal with the greatest possible humility and knowing that will do their best to resolve it.

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