
How to tell the future with the letters

Each suit is a measure of time, determined, considering that these are days, weeks, months and years. Consult this list and will know how to interpret the response of the letters;

* The letters of gold indicates that events occur in just his time. These letters or advance or retard the facts. The gold makes every event occurring in their time of maturation. Under the question, we can answer that will occur on the scheduled date, if any, neither before nor after, or at a date reasonably calculated. In general, letters of gold represents the realization of the fact in DAYS.

* Letters of glasses are similar to the letters of gold, but show a little more than delay or delay, noting that the event will occur in WEEKS. The letters crown mean that everything will be in a harmonious, and charity around the time when it is hoped the consultant. If there is any delay, it will be shortly. In one way or another, these cards always occurrence promise a happy and harmonious.

* The letters of clubs, however, cause delays, delays, complications and tensions. These letters always point to a delay in the implementation of the act. He should ask the consultant what is the date that has in mind and add some more time. We must warn of a likely obstruction or delay in what he asked. The solution usually occurs in MONTHS.

* Finally, the letters show frustration swords, inhibition and long delays. It is likely that the events for which they are performed wonders in the long term, in years, or at worst, these letters replied: NEVER. The final answer will be the consultant in accordance with their degree of willingness to face the difficulties.

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