This way he/she went that you were discovered to the elementary spirits corresponding to the element Fire: the salamanders.
With running then of the time, the human beings learned how to request you you help these beings interpreting the movement of the flames.
This communication form with the salamanders, he/she can make it any person. To discover that they predict the salamanders mainly in the affective plan, we will detail the procedure mode and the keys to decrypt these messages.
The procedure is very plain, but you require of a lot of patience and concentration. For you light a vent and you observe during some minutes the flames of the conflagration until melting mentally in your colors and movements. To the end of some moments, you will be contagious of that vehement energy that produce the fire and your heat. You observe with patience and in a completely careful way as the dark forms leave generating. Have a notebook and a pencil by hand to take the necessary annotations that well can represent them with the drawings that you perceive in those magic flames.
After all ésto, you look at what you have drawn and you are about interpreting what the salamanders have wanted to transmit you by means of the flames of the fire.
As you are about beings of natural energy, in general they are expressed by means of physiques of animals. Here we also expose a guide so that you can interpret them according to your meanings:
Bird: necessity of freedom.
Wolf: sexual pent-up desires.
Winch: double-cross and game to two tips in the love.
Butterfly: you thrill and heart purity.
Dog: companionship and good couple relationship.
Snake: overflowing sexuality, reciprocal desires.
Dragon: to be able to of the sex, necessity to like to the other one.
Bear: I use of the sex like protection mechanism.
Mouse: fears of the childhood that end in moral prejudgments.
Horse: encounter proximate pasional.
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