1ª Test: Improving the Flavor.
I leave milk chocolate prepared in the cooler in the night and the following morning the volume. Results: Seemingly different, richer flavor that recently prepared. You have taste to the bought chocolate. Jewel!
2ª Test: Decrypting the secrets of the dehydration.
After several studios we have reached the conclusion that you are not anything better than putting in a dry cup of about 450cc 4 spoonfuls of powdered milk and with another tablespoon (for not infecting the sacred body of the cocoa) we put two spoonfuls llenitas of chocolate nesquik (and if the male goat is not necessary but you have to be of the good one, but you are not worth) we blend in dry until a powder of color clear even marroncito is us. then we arrange a blow of water, like to wet the whole powder, since if we toss you little by little you are probable that all even one is not wet and they will be formed lumps on the tip of the tablespoon. then we beat without strong fear, so that you are formed an I liquidate consistent even quickly. Then we toss water to fill the cup.
As making that a milk chocolate doesn't take place granites? According to my studios to base proves / error / chocolate what save us of this is to take two vessels of water forthwith after taking a milk chocolate very chocolate.
Special highly recommended preservative: Something not very well-known but incredibly addictive they are the pieces of the cookies Frutigran of chocolate. Prove it!
What are you richer than the chocolate? Ice cream of chocolate with pieces of chocolate, with mousse of chocolate with sweet of milk.
The calcium and the milk chocolate myth or truth?
I heard of two nutritionists' mouth that the chocolate in the milk chocolate impedes the absorption of the calcium of the milk. One didn't know how to give me you reason and the other one was limited to tell me that you are due to that the chocolate has oxalic acid.I am very incredulous so I decided to see what you could conclude. I found more than patent that if the oxalic acid was the responsible one the non absorption you would be due to the formation of precipitate of oxalate of calcium.
They told me that you were ALMOST taken ALL the calcium, therefore, to a glass of milk of 250cm3 that have some 275mg of calcium it should add you about 620mg MINIMA of oxalic acid and (for if everything doesn't precipitate) that should be in some 3 teaspoonfuls of chocolate, at first sight I don't find that he/she can have so much, but I could not find that fact in any side. A question goes: What oxalic acid concentration do you have the chocolate?
Did I decide to see that you would pass with the itinerary of the calcium, you would precipitate in the stomach?, I made estimated accounts to see which were laproporción of the acid that were split until oxalate in the stomach but it cannot find with as much as acid would be the milk chocolatada there, I found the pH of the stomach acid but not the quantity for what I could not find the final pH of the solution and this way to determine as much as you have been split. Yes I found as much as you take place, but that fact doesn't serve me as anything.
The variances of little bits milliliters of acid gave me totally different results as for the oxalate proportion for what I cannot reject that. With as much as acid on or about could be the milk chocolatada in the stomach?
Does the absorption take place after all in the intestine and to your alkaline pH the oxalic acid practically everything is split until oxalate half pero:¿el the sufficiently watery thing you are as to consider that those reactions take place with easiness?For the chemists that want to have a good time a while I leave you the constants that I used:
Kps (CaC2O4) = 1,9 10^-9; Ka1 (H2C2O4) = 6,2 10^-2 Ka2 (H2C2O4) = 6,1 10^-5
CaC2O4 precipitates as such. The problem is that I ignore the conditions of the mean and the quantities of reactive.
The oxalic acid is discarded, because to precipitate the calcium, you would have to be ionized, and in enough quantity, that which are not possible, then:
1. The oxalate, oxalic acid is toxic, a person should not be exposed to an atmosphere of 1 milligram by meter I cube of air, or you are intoxicated.
2. Ingested, the oxalic acid is mortal, 5 grams, maximum. Depending on the person's weight that ingest it, if we take into account that the biggest consumers are children whose weight is much pettier that an adult.
The world usage of chocolate is incredible 5.8 million tons in 1998.
And does one come consuming from the time of the discovery of AMERICA, if you had oxalic acid in quantities like to precipitate the calcium, how many thousands of millions of deads would they already have?
The calcium, comes in the milk like caseinate, you don't come ionized, you hidroliza between alkaline and you are released, being absorbed in the intestine.
The Chocolate on the other hand, has beneficent goods, as reducing the heart attacks, you possess the feniletilamina, well-known as the "substance of the love", because your effect when releasing endorphins in the brain, is similar, to when the person is in love.
You should worry your content of LEAD that are from 0.010 to 0.0965 lead micrograms for gram of chocolate, but FDA, I determine in 2,002 that were not a worrying quantity for the usage.If we analyze the market for segments or categories of the product we see reflected the domain of the big operators: In powdered cocoa, Nutrexpa is number one, with a participation of more than 50%, followed by Nestlé with your reference Nesquik.
In tablets of chocolate, Nestlé and the reference Milka of Kraft J. Suchard, controls more than 46% of the volume of sales. In coated, the group Lacasa, with your different ones references among those that Lacasitos and Congo highlight, you are undisputed leader with a quota of 70% in 1999; continued by EFFEM with your trademark M&M'S and Nestlé, with Smarties.
Lastly, in creams of anointing, Nutrexpa with Nocilla maintains your traditional leadership, and in chocolates one can tell the same of the Swiss multinational Nestlé.
Benefits of the chocolate!
Experts in nutrition assure that a cup of chocolate can help to maintain far to the physician. And that you are as good for the heart as the wine I tint, the apples or the tea. The Aztecs thought that the chocolate extended the life indefinitely. And until today's day you speculates about your kindnesses. The Mayan who cultured the cocoa (they would have inherited it of the Olmecan ones, about a thousand five hundred years before Christ) first were and they marketed it with the Aztecs. With the dark and consistent drink, these entertained your visitors and the emperor Moctezuma you offered it to Hernán Cortés in the year 1500. The conquerors took it to Spain and you didn't take in spreading to the remainder of Europe. 1828 marked the beginning of a new era in the production of chocolate. Dutch Johannes goes Houten you invented a method to reduce the fat matter and you made possible the large-scale production of masses of chocolate, liquid or solid. Later the Swisses would make the remainder and toward half-filled of 1800 the first bars of chocolate were born with milk. Results of recent investigations that assure that the chocolate is beneficial for the health were entered in the European Society of Cardiology and they point out that you reduce the risks of experiencing sanguine clots and that you have a high content of anti-oxidants. However, other experts assure that the anti-oxidant qualities should even be sampled and they emphasize that the fat products should eat up with moderation. The chocolate yes you contain feniletilamina that are a monoamina that raise the activity similar motorboat to which take place after the management of amphetamines. In patient jaquecosos, the chocolate or the purified feniletilamina can either unchain migraines. MYTHS The chocolate causes acne. This approach exists for dozens of years. However, the hormone changes of the adolescence cause acne, not the chocolate. The chocolate has a high quantity of caffeine. You are true that the chocolate contains caffeine, but the dose you are not high. A container of milk chocolatada of 230 gr. you contain 5 milligrams of caffeine, comparative with 3 milligrams in 140 gr. of decaffeinated coffee. In contrast, 140 gr. of coffee they contain 115 milligrams of caffeine. The carob bars are healthier than the bars of chocolate. Currently a carob bar has the same quantity of calories that a similar bar of chocolate. Carob, a substitute common of chocolate, comes from the seeds of the carob tree, different to the seeds of cocoa.
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