One in the ways of to combat these so unpleasant symptoms and not to make of an exam such an awful moment for the student that in turn are completely negative when demonstrating what they know, it is to use energy different stones to achieve the student not to suffer of these consequences and this way to obtain good results.
An or energy more stones that the student will be able to choose exists, according to her zodiacal sign. While he or she study, it will put it near where it is so that it helps him to have the completely clear mind. This will be able to be on the desktop, on a table, etc. And the day that leaves their house to surrender the so desired exam, it will take it in a pocket and to play it to be loaded of their energy when you needs it.
The stones to use according to the signs of the zodiac are:
Aries: amethyst, red blood cell, tiger eye.
Taurus: venturina, agate, pink quartz.
Gemini: calcedonia, amber, aquamarine.
Cancer: rodonita, calcite, stone of the moon.
Lion: citrina, flint glass, amber.
Virgo: sodalita, I twinkle, fluorita, opal.
Libra: jasper, crisocola, malachite, lapislazuli.
Scorpio: obsidian, jasper, malachite.
Sagittarius: amethyst, lapislazuli, azurita.
Capricorn: flint glass, onyx, jasper.
Aquarius: fluorita, turquoise, crisocola.
Pisces: agate, amethyst, turquoise.
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