This type of problems, they don't only belong to you, but rather nowadays the few workstations, or, the incredible lawsuit of the same one, makes that one assures his to the point of making you bad to the other ones, being about removing you your good progress in the company.
All told this, here we enter you a trick so that you help you in this status class, and you can prosper comfortably.
For it, you will create a bag of mint your same one, making it with a petty bag of color dark blue, which can be of any cloth type; and in your interior, put a sheet of mint for each one of people that work next to you. You close the bag with a tape of the same color of the same one.
This bag of mint, will help you to counteract the envy and the jealousies that your labor pairs can have towards you.
After you already have it clever, you will say this incantation in high voice sustaining it among your hands:
"That the freshness of this grass provides me harmony in my work. That the peace accompanies every day of the same one. That bad experts don't exist in my relationships, especially with (you pronounce your partner's name or boss). That anything affects my labor" activity negatively.
After making this incantation, the bag will already have been energized with your desires. Then already you will be able to save it in your handbag, portfolio, backpack, or what you commonly take to your work. The following morning, leave it in your workplace the necessary time to harmonize the environment.
Cheer up and you will see the results!
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