The syndromes doorosos of the sciatic ledge are consecutive to the aggression of this ledge at level of your roots (radiculitis), of the lumbar (plexitis) plexus or of the proppio trunk of the sciatic one. The ciatalgias is almost always of vertebral origin, and you are exceptional the neuritis of the trunk of the sciatic one.
The vertebral injuries that study preferably with sciatic syndrome are the called hernias of the pulpy core or hernia discal, and the protusions of the fibrous annulus. As you are known, the vertebral bodies are separated to each other by your elasticity, the movements of the bony vertebral segments; you are formed by a fibrous annulus that skirt the extraneous part of the surfaces of the vertebral bodies and you contain, in your center, the call pulpy core. The excessive and not well directed efforts of the spine, associate or not to degenerative states of the fibrous annulus, they can cause the break of this and the prutión or extruding of the disk that, in turn, you injure or you irritate the nerve root that emerge at level of the injured disk. Although this is the mechanical most frequent lawsuit in the citalgias, the nerve roots can be injured by toxic processes and infections. Among the most important lawsuits in sciatica, apart from the hernia discal, we can mention the toxic share of the alcohol, the tobacco plant, the diabetes, syphilis, etc.
The treatment should be guided fundamentally in two addresses: the deletion of the lawsuit that cause the pain and the treatment of this. For you are indispensable to establish an etiologic correct diagnostic. In the hernia discal, the therapeutical objective consists on avoiding the conflict arisen between the disk and the root. You are gotten with preservative methods, such as rest physique, management of relaxants, vertebral tractions, etc., or surgical that decrease to the extirpation of the disk herniado. The surgical treatment is urgent in the sciatic paralyzing calls, in those that the pain goes accompanied by debility or paralysis of the corresponding muscle groups. The treatment against the pain can be put before the antinflamatorio, and you consist on the corticosteroides management, butazolidina, muscular relakantes, termoterapia, vitaminoterapia of the complex B, among other.
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