The fundamental features of the symptoms esquizofrénicos are the following ones: excision of the legal capacity (I overturn fundamental, consistent in a rupture of the harmony of the me and of the psychic normal mechanisms); absurdidas, strangeness and psychological incomprensibilidad of the sick person's (your mind is governed by the new and unknown laws) vivencias; incongruity of the behavior; strangeness of itself, autism and rupture of the contact with the relaidad; catastrophic (with the one that the sick person foresees the destruction of your legal capacity) vivencia.
These illnesses can cause gradually, by means of a long and insidious process, or in an acute and sharp (call emerges) way. Your lawsuits, very diverse, are very debated in the different schools psiquátricas. Diverse factors can exist: genetic, biotipológicos, psicotípicos of predisposition, neurobiologic (energy dysfunctions and dismetabólicos, endocrine dysfunctions) and finally psychosocial (among those that have special importance the biographical events of the childhood, the socio-cultural mean and the relationships interfamiliares). In general, two theories etiopatogénicas prevail: the organicista (for which the schizophrenias are linked illnesses of somatic origin to a consitución and transferable for inheritance) and the psicogenética (for which the esquizpfrenias is reacciónm modes from certain types of legal capacity to specific conflicts). In fact, according to the theory psicogenética, the schizophrenias would be the final result of the uptake in anomalous ways of reaction originated in very early ages before conflicts that cannot remember. New conflicts unchain these latent reaction modes.
They exist, diverse types of psychosis esquizofrénica. The clinical most frequent and typical form is the paranoid schizophrenia that are characterized by the appearance of delirious primary ideas. Delirious secondary ideas and alucinaicones are also added; these three symptoms constitute the core of this schizophrenia. The beginning can be gradual or sharp. Frequently, the delirious ideas of persecution and of poisoning they go accompanied by auditory, visual, smell hallucinations, etc., that they confirm to the sick person in your delirious ideas. He/she usually appears in plenum adultes and even in advance ages.
The other forms clinicians differ for your evolutionary potential. You are two forms that have a very important, more included potential evilutivo that that in the typical or paranoid way, and that they constitute the serious schizophrenias.
In the first place, the schizophrenia hebefrénica are, of insidious and progressive beginning, mainly in the adolescents (school difficulties, you shrink of the performance, hypochondriac crisis and sensation of fatigue). During the beginnings it can seem a neurosis, but after some months or one year the sick person lives as dreaming and you pass to the fundamental symptoms of the illness: progressive apathy with indeferencia regarding everything, infantile behavior and massive and quick trend toward a state serious demencial.
The second serious schizophrenia is the catatonic one. In this illness the psychomotor symptoms prevail, together with a great negativism (I lock of the voluntary activity, being only conserved the self-operating activity). Of all the esquizofrénicos it is the catatonic one the one that give a more intense sensation of insulation of the reality and of rupture with the normal forms of relationship. The psychomotor syndrome can enter two forms: the hipocinética (in the one that the reduction in value of the movement, the forfeiture of all initiative, prevails until the grade of conserving the postures imposed hours and even days, and the mutismo) and the hipercinética, be local or general (in the one that episodes of semiautomatic intense agitation appear, without the sick person of a reduced space that you/they lose temper with periods of immobility being exitted). In general the sick person, although non lomparezca, is pending of your acts. The evolution toward the dementia is carried out in 3 or 4 years.
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