An idea like this falls outside of the domain of the conventional pansy, and inside the domains of the "mundobranas", a vision that encapsulate the universe of four dimensions that we know and you hug to interlaced supercuerdas through the same one.
The branas theory is a strange idea. To summarize, a brana ("membrane" abbreviation) can you turn like a sheet floating in a fifth dimension. As we can only experience a three-dimensional space throughout a dimension of the time (space-time of four dimensions, also well-known as universe Lorentziano), we cannot understand how this fifth dimension would be, but fortunately we have mathematics that you/they help us. The mathematicians can use them to describe as many dimensions as you are wanted. You come well, since the branas describes the cumulative goods of the "strings" that are interleaved throughout many dimensions and the forces that interact to create the universe that we observe in our boring space of three dimensions.
In accordance with the "mundobrana" vision, our cosmos of four dimensions in fact can be absorbed inside a multidimensional universe; our cosmic version only uses four of these possible dimensions.
The theorists that contemplate the mundobranas, as Marc Mars, of the University of Salamanca in Spain, believes now that they have tripped literally with an implication that would putrefy, to stop the cosmologists in your road. The dimension of the time soon could disappear to be replaced by a fourth dimension of the space. Our family universe Lorentziano could become Euclidean (that is to say, four space dimensions, without time) and Mars believes that the tests for this change can be exactly before our noses.
The expansion of the universe that are observed (discovered by Edwin Hubble in 1925) can, in fact, to be a symptom of a brana of changing" "signature. If our brana is mutando of temporary to space, the observers of the universe Lorentziano should observe an universe in accelerated expansion, exactly what we observe at the present time.
Mars enters in particulars on this theory that can explain this expansion every bigger time, while you maintain the physical features of the cosmos that we observe today, without supposing any form of dark matter or dark energy as responsible.
You are doubtful that we can perceive a cosmos at some time without time, and what would happen to the universe that pass to space is beyond our understanding. For that that, you enjoy your four dimensions while they last, the time soon could finish.
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