When was the first person of the world born in having blue eyes? According to a studio carried out by experts of the University of Copenhagen, the historical origin of the genetic modification that generated the blue eyes of all the inhabitants of the planet happened behind between 6 and 10.000 years. Of that communio ancestro all the man and wife of blue eyes of the descend
As you publish the place saludyciencias.com.ar, the studio carried out by the cientíricos consisted on to analyze and to compare exemplary samples of DNA mitocondrial coming from people of varied colors of eyes coming from diverse countries.
Originally, people had the brown eyes, the Professor affirmed Hans Eiberg of Departmento of Cellular and Molecular Medicine of the University. A genetic random modification affected to the well-known gene as "OCA2" that derived in that you/they stopped to work other responsible genes of generating the brown eyes.
The gene OCA2 is the responsible one of encoding the named protein "P" that are directly related with the production of melanin, the pigment that give color to the skin, the hair and also the eyes. With less melanin the brown color is diluted and you go appearing the blue.
Eiberg underlined that, according to your opinion, this mutation is relatively neuter in terms of representing enhancements or disadvantages in the career of the genetic survival and in the evolution. Something similar to what happen with peeled people or that they have blemishes in the skin you would Be the result of the random constant mutations that prove and the mother nature discards.
The work of the scientists from Denmark was published in the edition of January of the scientific magazine Human Genetics.
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