
Millionaire Boys in Internet

They have less than 30 years and fortunes in your bank accounts. Your capital is based on your ideas. They were born in the digital era and they knew how the countless inducements and possibilities that it provided you the great network of networks to take advantage. Who the designers of the most successful projects in the web are 2.0

Not they needed economic big capitals, financial knowledge neither tradition of businesses. They only knew how to take advantage of the moment and to merge your capacity with the inducements that it offer the web 2.0.

They bind them two so plain features as surprising: all they have for future delivery less than 30 years and several thousands of millions in your bank accounts.
Not they give with the size neither the physique du multimillionaire network role, and many of them not even imagined, when they started your projects that your arks would be filled of money.

"The emprendimientos in Internet leaves more than a good idea, original or creative that of the capital buildup. Many of the companies TIC (not only those of Internet) are historically born in garages and, of course, for big projects in the web reaches with having a PC and connection to the network", you point out to infobaeprofesional.com Alejandro Prince, chairman of the investigation company and analysis of information technology markets and telecommunications, Prince & Cooke.

Your fortunes are calculated based on what are considered they are worth your "ideas", the offers to purchase that you/they receive and to the projection that the analysts prevén will have your original initiatives.

I change model
The statement that an idea is worth more than a thousand words are definitively materialized in the world of the web 2.0. In societies where the virtualidad is more and more powerful, the creativity acquires special value.

While before the fonts of wealth were only based on the tangible thing, today the intangibilidad has been able to transform into the star of the business community.

Ten years behind, the financial analysts looked with mistrust the development of the Internet, wondering if that novel invention would end up some day to be income-producing. Far from those concerns, the born ones in the digital era left the side elucubraciones and they began to scan and the possibilities that it granted you the new mean to explode.

Definitively, Internet transformed into an income-producing business, and those that knew how to take advantage of your kindnesses, today they enjoy the benefits of an industry that it move millions and whose projection for future delivery continues being more than optimist.

Millionaires' cradle
That of the commercial Internet is a plagued history of purchases, sales and fusions extraordinary, boisterous drops and surprising bumps.

Between 1996 and 2000, the web was a machine of generating millionaires. You are calculated that during those four years, in Silicon Valley - the world meca of the network of networks - they saw the light 64 millionaires per day. The wealthy entirety of these new ones, they didn't overcome the 30 years.

"Internet is a phenomenon etario", Prince summarizes by way of preamble when responding why so many youths millionaire product of the web they exist.

"As entrepreneurs or I eat users the youths they have inducements, the digital natives live this as something quotidian, instead of rationalizing it as the old ones that we were born without PC and without Internet", you enlarge.

According to the expert, these new ones venturesome they are raised or "believe" in environments, as the main universities of the world, where they are in constant contact with the last technological discoveries and in environments that favor the venturesome impulse.

You are "a culture broth", Prince says.

However, you clarify that you only are not enough with the place, but rather the emergence of these millionaire youths also requires of certain conditions, "as those that are given in Sillicon Valley: universities, funds, innovative" spirit

Passion and opportunity
The experts in technology affirm that, paradoxically, the success of these projects resides in the "chance." Most is initiatives created without a commercial ambition, born of a necessity or a personal liking.

Another of the feature that influence notably in your success is the passion and the enthusiasm that put in your realization who you/they carry out it.

The example gives it Evan Williams, the designer of Blogger.com in your personal blog: "What would you be of a start-up (company in creation) without your replete days of food garbage and your nights without sleeping, sustained thanks to the caffeine?", you wonder.

One of the particularities of these creations is that in general they are carried out of at two, and in most of the cases the double one is conformed by a fanatic techie and puntilloso, and another with a commercial bigger vision that are in definitively who end being taken the honors.

The great jump of these emprendimientos is given when the big companies of the technological sector, as Microsoft or Google, decide to focus your looks on them. The monetary bet that you/they decide to make these giants on the beginner projects will mark the floor of your exchange. Of there in more, everything is issue of popularity and throughput of users.

Here they are, these they are
Your names associate to projects like Facebook, Mozilla and Youtube, and while your bank accounts overcome the hundred of millions of dollars, your ages don't surpass the third decade. These are the five more outstanding children prodigy of the web 2.0:

Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), 23 years. To the 19 years it developed, next to a group of partners, the social most successful network in Internet, Facebook. You were in your bedroom of the University of Harvard, house of studios that then aborted definitively to be devoted of full to your company.
Facebook was born February 4 2004 as a socialization space between Zucker and your friends of the university. But the result was surprising: in only two weeks, the students' of Harvard two thirds had adhered to the place.
Quickly the network extended to other institutions: the University of Boston, MIT, Stanford, Columbia, Yale and Princeton, until conquering great part of the university network of United States.

Today your creation is valued in u$s1 .500 millions, what transformed Zuckerberg into the youngest magnate in the world and you located it recently in the seat 785 of the list of the 1.125 richer magnates of the world, elaborated by the magazine Forbes.

So much is the popularity of this social network that Yahoo, Google and Microsoft even carried out very generous offers to buy stocks of Facebook, but none was able to satisfy the expectations of Zuckerberg.

Finally, in October of 2007 Microsoft he/she bought 1.6% of the stocks of Facebook. The operation was of US$240 millions.

Andrew Gower (Runescape), 28 years. In 1999, while you studied your studios in the University of Cambridge, Jagex co-founded Ltd, creative company and dispatcher of games Java for web page. You are also the developer of RuneScape, a famous game of the type MMORPG.
To a year of your dispossession, RuneScape already counted with more than a million you count free registered. In 2002, Jagex launched the version you pay of the game that only achieved 5.000 subscribers in the first week.

Today RuneScape counts with more than 9 million accounts free and more than 1 million accounts pays. In turn, more than 6 million people they consent at least once a month to RuneScape.

You are calculated that the fortune of Gower is of u$s650 millions.

Blake Ross and David Hyatt (Mozilla), 22 years. These two American software developers were made worldwide famous for your work in the successful browser Mozilla Firefox that today is valued in u$s120 millions.
Ross also start the project Spread Firefox next to Handle Dotzler and in 2005 you were nominated by the magazine Wired with main Top Rave Award. To the 15 years, the youth had been contracted to work like I confine in Netscape Communications Corporation. Recently he/she graduated in Stanford University.

Hyatt worked in the communications of Netscape from 19977 up to the 2002, where besides contributing with the development of the browser Mozilla, you helped on the way in the elaboration and Firefox. You also wrote the specifications of the programming languages XBL and XUL.

You studied in University you Ruffle it and you graduated in the university of Illinois. Currently Inc works in Apple., where you are part of the development team responsible for the browser web Safari and the working kit in group Webkit.

Chad Hurley (Youtube), 30 years. You are the co-founder of YouTube, the biggest place of videos in Internet. The revolutionary invention was born in February of 2005 in a garage of California. In that place, Steve Chen and Chad Hurley, two partners of Stanford that overcame hardly the twenty years, conceived the original you devise: to create a web page in which the users could go up your own videos.
In spite of the fact that the place should face assiduous and considerable discográficas lawsuits and producers for the contents that the Internauts ascend, none of them was able to brake your spectacular increment. In October of 2006, Hurley YouTube sold for u$s1 .650 millions to Google.

Angelo Sotira (Deviant ART), 26 years. You were founded, together with Scott Jarkoff and Matthew Stephens, DeviantArt, a place to exhibit and to swap opinions has more than enough artistic works. The place includes picture, digital design and literature, among other. Until January of 2008, DevianArt counted with more than 6 million users. Your fortune is calculated in u$s75 millions
If after reading the note it already began to evaluate the possibility to register in a programming path or you are looking with good eyes the computer, you keep before in mind the commission of those that know. You are to search a business niche, to maintain the structure of the very reduced company, to be different and mainly to be very agile", Evan recommends Williams in your place, like part of your "Ten rules for companies recently created in Internet."

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