

The paranoia is a mental illness that are characterized by the presentation of a chronic, systematized delirium, irrefutable to the logical argument that he/she appear as consequence of a constitutional predisposition and you are related with the vivencias subject dl. The psychic features are entirely preserved while your application doesn't affect to the topic of the delirium. The only symptom is more or less the delirious ideas derivative of your status vivencial.

The paranoiac deliriums embrace all the possibilities of the human activity, but preferably they are based on the desires or the sick person's fears. These deliriums, in general, are five: the persecution (this is the most usual; here the sick person is pursued by people, groups or powerful organisms) delirium; the reference (where the sick person is spied all over the world) delirium; the delirium of grievance or barrator (constantly it outlines the sick person lawsuits and complaints whereas you feel wrongly tried all over the world); the delirium of greatness (here the sick person is completely convinced of your great importance and continually it seeks to demonstrate it); and lastly the erotic (being of jealousies can or of being loved by people to those that have not seen maybe never, belonging, in general, to very high unrangosocial) delirium.

The causal core of the paranoia is in the sick person's character previous paranoiac whose fundamental features are the pride, the distrust, the judgment falsehood and your difficulties of adaptation.

The paranoia leaves elaborating throughout many years, being an illness characteristic of the mature age and more frequently still of the age involutiva (climaterio and menopause). The paranoia affects people of half and higher intelligence and your prognosis is bad, due to your submitted to the treatments and mainly to the paranoiac's danger, as soon as your delirious ideas impel to aggression and even to the homicide. Your problem is the incompatibility with all social coexistence. Apart from this, your psychic features don't deteriorate. The fundamental treatment is the psychotherapy that will be prolonged during years. They can be effective the electroshock and the treatment medivamentoso.

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