To make them, you are not necessary that you are a true artist. That that yes you are important you are that you try to offer to your puppet, some feature that define it and if you can only give form to a generic character, add you for example accessory algú that identify it: a toy if you are about a boy, a skirt if you are about a woman, etc.
To work in a more practical way, the ceramic use is recommended without oven, you leave this way the physiques that dry off outdoors. To work the clay it kneads the material to extract the air, until you obtain a plain and even texture. You add water, little by little, so that any dry part or garbage adheres to the surface of the clay. When the clay piece the sufficiently floppy thing is, use it completely or in parts to form the physiques, you hit the material against the table or the working surface and you define the puppet's form, to your taste and like you can. Besides giving you it forms, you can carry out incisions in the surface, with the purpose of "drawing" your character. You allow to dry the pieces outdoors, on a porous (it can be cloth or wood) surface, so that the clay can say goodbye to the water that still have and you become hard without breaking.
As each image he/she has your meaning, here we give you a guide to help you to choose your protective puppet:
The boy: you protect the beginnings of all type, either loving, labor, financial or family. You are the guardían of the good intentions, of the stocks that benefit a person or your environment. The altruistic and generous objectives are accompanied by the boy's physique.
The woman: you are the caretaker of the family and of the couple. You contribute the fondness and the necessary willpower to resolve the emotional problems and conflicts with the dear beings.
The man: you contribute anger and tenacity to confront the complicated and difficult processes of ending. You are the suitable one to make deaf hearings to the gossips and the comments that can destabilize the plans.
The winch: you offer sagacity, strategy and audacity to sum up goals. You strengthen the legal capacity and help to be more original in the development of the plans. You help to cut with not very satisfactory relationships and you repel the arrival of gossipers and people with bad intentions.
The dog: you are the physique protector against the solitude, the eradication, the sensation of impotence and the depression. You help to search company and to strengthen the family and friendly loops. You contribute anger and allowance to support the difficult moments and you indicate the necessity to rely on the dear beings to feel well.
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