The honey, is one of the most appropriate substances to request for the love. Here we will count you on a financial year very easy of carrying out for etse end.
You get two mirl candles with couple form. You are about candles of the color of the same honey whose image and you form you are that of an united even felíz. With an alfilaria or some similar element, you write in the man's physique, the name of the couple's woman for which request love, and in the candle with woman's form the name of the couple's man. Then it surrounds both candles with a circle made with a pco of sugar and honey. You repeat: "For this act, I summon to the power of the love, so that (you name one of people) you come closer to me. That your force an our hearts in an alone one and forever. You are this way and you will be" this way.
Magic bathroom with lavender
This relaxing bathroom, is specially suitable for very nervous people or you stop who, after an arduous workday, they need help to diminish your anciedad.
You come in the following way:
Put in a bathtub hot water, 5 drops of marjoram essential oil and 10 drops of lavender essential oil. You remember to request in the commerce essential oils to apply to the body, you don't stop other uses, as hornillos, since these útlimos is toxic.
Then it boils, also, two bags of communio tea and leave them in a cup.
Sumérjete in the bathtub, extends your body and relax you. Arrange you the bags of tea hímedos on your eyes. All these products have a deeply relaxing effect, so much at muscular level as psychic. You take a bathroom of not more than 20 minutes before going to bed.
If you have problems of anxiety or insomnia, you will see that you will be able to rest better.
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