The scientists got that a person to which were applied this developing treatment as test, saw points called luminous "fosfenos", (the stars that appear when being rubbed the eyes) when they sent you electric stimuli. With signals in sequences that drew forms, that person ended up reading letters. The results of this studio in the visual cortex of a blind person during 22 years, are very esperanzadores to develop a visual prosthesis.
The future objective, logically, consists on connecting a device from these features to a camera, and to a computer able to translate the images. but to marry chips permanently the brain outlines problems of surety. for example, one of the questions vugentes is still that you would happen if the metal of the electrodes, by force of supporting electric downloads, becomes noxious substances for the nerve tissue.
Even this way, you are viable this resource for which still exist a hope to undelete the vision of those non seers.
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