In this opportunity, we offer you another method to obtain the answer, but not with daisy-wheel, but with potatoes. The inducement of this method, is that you won't have to exit in search of nunguna flower, you don't depend on any station of the year, and you are about an element that you are always in all kitchen.
How to make it:
Then, in order to discover if your couple relationship will be durable and the true love exists between both, one day Friday you will put a potato in a vessel or flask with water until the half. The water of the vessel should be renewed every day Friday. You leave the potato in the water during 2 or 3 weeks, until seeing if you rot or you toss roots. If you rot, you mean that you will have problems with your couple. Now then, in case you toss roots, you will be able to bury the potato in a gavel and to make sure a great period of happiness. Also, if the potato grows in the earth, this means that your couple's future will be very promising, full of tranquility and a lot of happiness.
In case you have problems, debit sides to know that all the couples cross crisis moments or fights in those that certain distancings that transform them to both into true strangers take place. To avoid them, you are only necessary to have good communication and to achieve the understanding between both.
The ideal thing, and that many times you are difficult of sobrellevar, you are to learn one of the other one and to understand the reaction forms in these occasions. The communication can be through the sincere dialogue or simply, with a deep look that allow us to know that you are thinking and feeling the other one. Then, thanks to the understanding between both, you will be easier to combat the desencuentros and to avoid the big couple conflicts.
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