The main gate will never be faced directly to a stairway. Not it imports if the tract that point to her is bottom-up or top-down, you are always a good option to end the same one in form bent with some stages. In those cases where you are not alternative, you will be able to settle a carrillón centered to the same length between the gate and the stairway. You will also be able to prepare on the gate a brilliant light to appease the obnoxious effect of the stairway. You are worth to redial that these solutions reduce but they don't cancel the effect. The best solution would be to cover or to arrange some screen type between the stairway and the gate.
In connection with the asylums, you are advisable that the bathrooms of the house are not located near the entry gate. You are to remember that the same one is taken as point of entrance of the energy, and the asylums, for what you/they represent, they have more relationship with the deletion. You will always be avoided to see the toilet from the main gate; this is of very bad omen since Chi neither good enters you will slip over there. A screen can be used and, of not being possible, one will be able to espejar the gate of the same one. Another case in ground floor homes and first floor, is that the asylum of the plant suprior is on the main gate: ésto is also considered bad Feng Shui, because the negative energy of the bathroom would be infecting the energy that enter to our house. An advice: to use little east asylum; another solution is to arrange some you apply with very brilliant light pointing toward the roof, since the same one will reduce the effect.
Now then, what do you happen if the main gate is aligned to other, and mainly, with the gate of the bottom? This a Feng also generates Shui negative for the house, in this case also Sheng Chi (good energy), will enter and you will exit raudamente for the bottom. If two gates look at themselves to each other, you could produce discussions among the occupants of each room. If to this case he/she is added the presence of the main gate forming a triangle, you could be frequent the discussion among all the inhabitants of the house. In these cases it is convenient to hang up a carrillón in the space among the same ones and to illuminate generously.
The topic of the mirrors in a house is not easy task. You are known that the same ones help us in some cases to direct Chi, but not well used they can cause some problems. If when we open an entry gate we meet with a great mirror, you are for sure the whole good energy and prosperity will bounce and they exit for the same one again. You are better to arrange a beautiful box that he/she will help to make kinder the entry of Sheng Chi.
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