
The Mind - main Stimulus of the Sex

The pressures of the daily life hinder or they even impede a plenum sexuality. The stress, the schedules and the obligations are the main barriers for the satisfaction of the sex. You know the paper that complete the mind in this whole process
At the present time, the pressures of the daily life hinder or they even prevent to take a plenum sexuality ahead. The stress, the schedules and the obligations are the main barriers for the satisfaction of the sex.

For that reason, the Mexican place MundodeHoy.com recommends, as sexual therapy, to work with the mind. How is this?. You happen that all the corporal sensations traffic, unfailingly, for the brain, par excellence transforming into the erogenous field.

This way, the tonsil acts like sexual" "translator's luck that he/she interpret each one of the stimuli. As long as, the hipotálamo (located in the base of the brain) regulates the way to feel pleasure and the expression of the same one during the relationship.

On the other hand, the operation of the endocrine (that you are under the encéfalo or hypophysis) gland is intimately wired with the vivacity, while the thalamus takes charge of regulating the instinctive behaviors, that is to say, you take us to "lose the head" before certain stimuli, and the cerebral cortex originates the sexual fantasies, build up hopes and memories.

But you are not to forget that the septum is the one that specifically takes charge of the sexual pleasure although, clearing is, you should be helped by the imagination. This way, if a sensation of little excitation is experienced, to think of an image or erotic story is a good form of activating the septum.

The most important thing is to leave aside the prejudgments, myths and blames that lock the feeling of pleasure. You are better to think of sexual positions, sex organs or to conceive us to ourselves experiencing an orgasm. That is to say, you are that concentrates on all those ideas that are considered taboo by the society, and that we know that, intimately, they are those that more they excite us.

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