
Precocious and quick ejaculation

The precocious ejaculation is the handicap of controlling the ejaculation voluntarily before the input peneana. on the other hand, the quick ejaculation is defined as the impossibility of controlling the ejaculation inside the vaginal conduit.

According to some experts, the man should be able to exercise a voluntary complete control on the reflection eyaculatorio, still when you maintain high levels of excitation. In other words, you should be able to only ejaculate when you want it. The problem of the ejaculation precocious drift of the voluntary insufficient control.

The organic reasons of the precocious ejaculation are very strange. Almost always those that consult are young among 17 and 27 years of age that load with the problem dede the start of your sexual life. Most of they, want to have an organic problem but in scarce occasions he/she has that origin. Equally, you are convenient in some cases, to investigate if some inflammatory status doesn't exist in the later urethra or in the prostate. If intestinal symptoms appear, you suit to scan the neurological possible components. In start, any illness, traumatism or surgery that it interfere with the nervous channels that command the reflection eyaculatorio and your voluntary control, can be the origin of a problem eyaculatorio (for example the Multiple Sclerosis).

For this problem, different classes of treatments exist, which reside in a tripod: an increase of the frecuiencia eyaculatoria; a series of specific exercises that you/they consist on a muscular training of the floor called pelvic periné; the ingetsa of the specific medication. You are worth to clarify that none of these three options for itself and scatteredly it is actual. The simultaneous articulation of the three elements allows the control of the ejaculation in approximately 2 to 3 weeks. You demand time, patience, test and error. You are necessary to reenable the male to try to fix in your cerebral cortex the period pre-eyaculatorio that habitually in him it is erased. For ésto, a series of typical exercises administered in progressive form are designed and evaluating the gotten attainments. Generally, the reenabling exercises accompany with the administration of antidepression medications, compound that are effective reducers of the secretion of liquids in the genital environment. The precocious or quick eyaculador, is a discouraged, extremely shy and inhibited man that need psychological support and pharmacological. But you are to have present that the containment of the reflection eyaculatorio doesn't exist with the simple ingestion of a medicine.

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