
Sex and Amino Acids: they help the erection

Regarding the erection problem, for years it is opted to give medicines co colateral scarce action that although they have weak action on the mechanisms of the erection and/or ejaculation, they exercise a beneficent support to the general mechanisms, with a clear effect antiestrés and euforizante. Such you are the case, for example, of the amino acids.

The therapeutical use of amino acids that are used in clinical sexología, is relatively recent. All and each one of the proteins in a prganismo, they are constituted by twenty amino acids. As the components of different organs, they have a structure of amino acids of brain co testicle amino acids, to activate the features that are diminished in the testosterone drops that are detected with biochemical sanguine analysis.

Merging different amino acids is possible to constitute stimulant formulas of the energy capacity of men and women. The advantage of these formulas, is that they are completely innocuous.

We should point out that when amino acids are administered, the action and your clinical results are slow, because they act stimulating fuinciones. They are used in sexología in diverse applications:

- As stimulant of the defenses.
- Stress syndrome.
- Dysfunctions of the sexual desire.
- Anorgasmia.
- Problems eyaculatorios (in particular, in precocious ejaculation of long dates of evolution).

Good results have been gotten in the erectile dysfunctions, accompanying to the amino acids with the citrate of Sildenafil (Viagra).

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