
Sex. intrauterine contraceptive device like birth-control

You are a birth-control method that are based on the allocation inside the uterine cavity of an element that with mechanical, chemical, or hormonal effect; you prevent that the spermatozoa end up fecundating the ova, since they are frozen, or destroyed so that they don't complete your feature. They differ of the barrier methods because DIU acts at level of uterine cavity, while those of barrier make it at vaginal level.


T OF you GET PAID you are the good known intrauterine contraceptive device that the physician implants it, by means of a plain technique, and that you release copper to make your effect. You are changed every 10 years, but it can retire in any moment Pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic chronic pain, menstrual abundant indent, tumors of the genital apparatus, cancer of uterine neck in all your stadiums, ectopic pregnancy antecedents, uterine malformation, patient with risk behaviors for illnesses of sexual transmission and I embarrass. Bigger duration of the menstrual indent, in some cases pain pelvic Woman

HORMONAL DIU is a device in form of T, as the previous one that release corpus luteum hormone. You are changed once a year. Same continuous that the previous one. Same effects that the previous Woman.

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