
Feng shui: the location of the bed

According to Feng Shui, the bed should rely on a wall that are not oriented toward the South. If the header is not in contact with the wall, the one that go to bed on her will feel unstable and you won't rest like you correspond.

The entry gate to the room, should you turn from the bed. You also suit to avoid the alignment of gates, or of gate and window. If you were not possible, you arrange a motive, be already small glass realms, or what you prefer, this way, will be dispersed the negative energy that you can generate.

On the other hand the bed should not receive the sunlight directly, since the excess of force Yang overturns the dream.

As for the mirrors, the ideal thing is that they don't reflect the person that are put to bed in the bed. The excess of mirrors also, produces an overabundance of stimulant Chi, not advisable when reconciling the dream. The bed, you should not be from face to a mirror, according to the old teachers, so that the spirit cannot see your reflection when you leave to dazzle at night.

You are advisable that the bed is made with natural materials, as for example solid wood, cane or wicker. You suit to avoid the built ones in metal.

As for the mattress, from the point of view of the health of the environment, the best mattresses are those of wool or cotton, because they offer certain protection in front of the electromagnetic radiations. The latex mattresses are neuter, therefore they don't harm. On the other hand, those that possess a metallic mesh are the less suitable ones for your effect electric capacitor. The maximum height of the bed and the mattress regarding the floor, you should not overcome the 30 cm so that you facilitate the incorporation from the position of having put to bed the one of stopped.

You also seek advice that you are as minimum at a distance of a meter of the roof, for not having a feeling of oppression.

You are to also keep in mind that are important (of being possible) that one can circular around the bed, for what should not be pasted to the wall. The best thing is to arrange it in a central position.

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