You can only do what they do in their normal state, because hypnosis is limited to draw afloat part of our unconscious, and anything that is not in our mental code can be done with these methods.
It is common that the body take unusual positions, for example, if during the trance hipnotizador rose an arm to the patient and then released, it will not reflect the arm back to its initial position. Left in the position that made him take.
It is also aware that not feel any pain if anyone, to try to verify it decides pinching or pulling the hair. During a state of hypnosis, the subject is as isolated in a particular world, but remains in contact with the outside world.
But we must also stress that there are several degrees in hypnosis; depending on the stage at which they are placed, the patient will have a pattern or another. The first is known as hipnoide or lightly; during this stage there are slight relaxation, most flicker and finally, eyes closed and body relax completely.
The second stage starts from trance and has two levels, at the beginning there is a state of apparent death, or
catalepsy, with partial absence of pain and temporary memory loss.
After emerging changes in personality, dreams and ideas, as well as the total absence of pain and amnesia. Finally, we are sleepwalking stage. In this situation the patient acts as if it were in a state of lucidity, with the eyes open can walk and move, but sees and hears things nonexistent and amnesia is total.
It should be noted that hypnotizing it by simply being hypnotized or something is feasible for almost everyone, but should not be undertaken lightly as it could bring complications. If this is done for positive results are noteworthy, because the mind is the best remedies. But should not be used as a magic trick or as a means of coercion, because that is not his goal.
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