If the recipient are located in the upper left, that indicates that he has written about is quite reserved in social contacts. It is also cautious about the future and does not usually make long term plans. It respects the past and is conservative.
In the negative, indicating difficulties in establishing social contacts, mistrust about the future and an excessive attachment to social patterns, leading to stiffness, prejudice and intolerance with regard to the ideas of others.
If the name and address are located primarily in the upper right, this can be interpreted in a positive direction as the speed of thought, sympathy and a sensitive and compassionate spirit. The person who writes about is sincere in its attitude to the recipient.
In a negative sense, these data reveal hasty trial, a spirit somewhat suggestible and superficiality of character. The writing in this area is also a tendency to index managed impulsively.
Lower left
When the data are concentrated in the lower left, who sent the letter is a protective, maternal instincts with very marked, if a woman. Moreover, this area also indicates impressionability mystique.
In a negative sense, reveals a somewhat passive person, too closed in itself. itself, with a constant fear for the future. You can say isolation, sadness and discouragement. It also gives indications of an excessive attachment to unresolved situations in the past.
Lower right area
This zone of the envelope indicates that the author of the letter is a talented and intelligent. It is also characterized by their understanding and tolerance. Expresses an adventurous spirit and optimistic, but this means that living so unrealistic.
In a negative sense, this kind of writing can reveal cunning, fear of commitment emotionally and materialism.
Central Zone
When writing the recipient's data is distributed in the central zone of the envelope, that can be interpreted as a positive mental balance and realism. This is an emotional person, with apparent willingness to communicate with others.
As a particular feature may be an indication that the person has the feeling of an impending catastrophe.
Writing staggered
When the deed is done in a phased manner from the upper left to lower right, it means caution or mistrust. The person is guided by the logic and usually does not take hasty decisions.
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