
Graphology - revealing Lyrics

The experts in this discipline takes into account a variety of features of the letter to conduct an analysis of personality. Among others, the main features are the regularity of the stroke, the direction of the lines, the pressure of writing, the width of the letter, speed, simplicity and complexity of the stroke, and so on. Also import margins, the legibility of the letter and signature.

For example, if you write, leaving wide margins, it shows that it is respectful of the rules established social which possesses aesthetic skills. If your letter is legible and eye out words and interlinear spaces, is a sign that their ideas are clear and that has a strong sense of order.

If your letter is tilted to the right, you look for contact with people but is cautious and respectful, if his signature is also slightly upwards and is located to the right of the text, is optimistic and expressed desire for and progress.

All these variables also come into play when you write an envelope, but in this case, the most important factor is given by the space. The place chosen to write the recipient's data reveals many things about which forwards the letter.

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