According to Scandinavian mythology Odin, the god of wisdom, owner of the forces of nature and the father of the gods, was the creator of men.
Father, king, poet, seer, the god of the dead, agriculture and war, Odin lived in Asgard, on the threshold of destiny.
His companions were two inseparable crows: Hugin, thought and Munin, memory, who relataban everything that was happening in the world. At times Odin moved to Wal-located next to the warriors killed in combat. In the Edda, traditional Scandinavian book, Odin is described as a wise man and great power. Hungry for knowledge, sacrificed one of their eyes to receive the science of seeing the future of the hands of the giant Mimir.
On several representations to Odin is imagined as his people: an elderly man as tall and strong, long white beard or as a warrior riding on his faithful steed Sleipnir Gunguir and brandishing his spear, forged by gnomes.
Despite the fact that Odin had several wives and many children, the principal of his consorts was Frigga, queen of the gods and men.
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