
Bach flowers: Panic attacks and emotional crisis

The floral elixirs are re-harmonized soul par excellence. When our emotions are shaken by unexpected news, when we are victims of a slump or experiencing a violent situation that immerses us in a panic, remedies based on flowers can build a bridge to recovery.

Petals health
Dr. Bach, an English bacteriologist and homeopath who was born in 1886, discovered the healing powers of certain flowers.
In his early research, warned that addressing imbalances
mental and emotional health of their patients, their physical condition improved considerably. That led him to understand that good health is the result of a mental and spiritual harmony and that disease is caused by an imbalance between the activity outside and deep desires of each person. Became interested in flowers, because its aim was to find a pure and natural remedy for all kinds of ailments.

Following his studies, found that certain flower essences have positive aspects of our personality disturbance and provide a cure. Bach related the "quality" of the flower with a quality of the human soul. He realized, for example, that fear is challenged by Flower Mímulo because it brings courage. From there, the flowers classified according to their skills and developed a method of preparing the Elixirs that consists of placing flowers selected in pure spring water and exposed to the action of sunlight for several hours.

Today the "Bach Flower" are known throughout the world. Are distributed in pharmacies and stores natural homeopathic.
Are 38 individual remedies can be used alone or in combination with others. There is also a remedy that is ideal for all types of emergencies, especially when in crisis due to an emotional conflict.

The elixir heals the soul
This remedy is prepared with equal amounts of the following Bach flower essences: Cistus, Clematis, Impatiens, and Rafiolepis Campanula isophylla. Can also be purchased already prepared (it is the only case in Bach flowers) under the name Emergency Remedy.
This flower essence acts directly on the emotions, easing the emotional aftermath of a deep trauma. Can be supplied to children.

Administration mode
• The usual procedure is to place 3 or 4 drops of the preparation in a glass with water. Drink slowly.
• In the case of a sudden crisis, it is moistened lips, gums and tongue with an undiluted solution of Remedy Emergency until they manifest signs of recovery.
• Another effective measure is to gently rub wrists or back of the ears with a few drops of the elixir.
• Can also be used on painful physical injuries such as knife wounds and sprains. In this case, you should dampen a clean compress the liquid and apply on affected area.

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