
Tinnitus: Symptoms and treatment

■ How can we define a buzz?
The ringing or tinnitus is a sound sensation that can be localized in one or both ears or in the middle of the skull of a person and can be intermittent or persistent and low or high intensity. This symptom has the distinction of being totally subjective, so that no one but the patient can see exactly what the degree of discomfort that this sound causes it. However, we can say that depends on the type of buzz, there will be more or less discomfort in the listener.

■ "Then we can talk about different types of drones? Yes On one side are the bass, which are those that appear to accompany the decreases auditory
conductive. Among these problems prior to nerve can mention the wax plug, acute otitis media, or a hardness in the movements of the ossicles, among others. When this low level hum is virtually no annoying, because the ambient noise is often more powerful than the power of tinnitus. But when it is quiet, the buzz can turn into a nightmare.

■ And what is the other type of tinnitus?
It's sharp, often accompany nerve damage, with consequent loss of hearing. Its origin can be brought about by intrinsic factors (neurological disorders, cerebral circulation, brain hemorrhage, excessive increase of cholesterol) or extrinsic (high-intensity noises, like a jackhammer or an explosion). Undoubtedly, this picture is more severe than the low hum because in this case, the disorder occurs with hearing loss, a phenomenon that often make it difficult to understand the sounds, interfering with communication.

■ Is there a treatment for this problem?
In severe tinnitus, its eradication depends on determining the root causes of the disorder. In other words, treating the otitis, the wax plug, for example, the buzz disappears. But when the problem is the nerve, the situation is much more difficult to reverse.

■ We sometimes hear ringing serious sporadic Why should?
Usually are associated with tubal dysfunction. That is, to a malfunction of the eustachian tubes, which often occurs when we sound our nose, for example. This is completely normal, and goes as easy as it comes.

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