
Exercises to make the abdominal muscles

1 - Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet, straddles the breadth of the hips and place hands on thighs. Pull your abdominal muscles toward the mat. Slowly lift your head and shoulders, the hands move to his knees. Repeat 10 to 25 times.

2 - Lie on your back, right foot and ankle to rest on the left thigh, just above the knee. Download the abdominal muscles and make your hands behind your head. Lift your body and try to touch the left elbow, right foot, knee, elbow right remains on the table. Repeat 15 times on each side.

3 - Lie on your back with your hands, palms up. Cross the ankle and heel to buttocks and pull your knees to your chest. Pull your abdominal muscles toward the mat. Slowly lift the hips with a bit of movement and control is dropped, the shoulders remain on the table. Repeat 10 to 15 times.

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