It is said that the agriculture, the fishing, the hunt, the science prescribes, the commerce and the written language were taught during the Kingdom of the three mythical emperors Bok Hi, Without Nong, Hwang Je, for the year 3500 A.C.
On the other hand, the fresh murals of the tombs located throughout the river Nile and the hieroglyphic inscriptions recorded in the pyramids show that the Egyptians dyed a combat form without similar weapons to the boxing from the year 3000 A.C
We also have tests that the warriors of Meopotamia and Sumer (3000 A.C. 2300A.C) practiced a combat technique by hand naked. So we can imagine that the primitive human beings depended on their hands and feet to expire to the enemies, animals and natural barriers for their superviviencia.
With the progress of the human knowledge and of the wisdom, those primitive methods of combat improved gradually and in a continuous way. Then, they arrived to be systematized, as martial arts.
In the time of the cities. Greek (700 A.C) state the boxing, the fight and other combat forms were regular tests of the Olympiads. The works of Homero (900 .800 A.C) contain combat descriptions without weapons, and the one philosophizes Greek Plato (427. 347 A.C) Skiamachia (it combats without opponent) he/she mentions, it forms of boxing to form PANCRATIUM. It was a combat system in the one which the whole Serbian body of weapon.
The Greek practitioners of the pancratium became with the time Roman gladiators. The games of the gladiators were ferocious sports carried out to have a good time to the spectators during the age of gold of the Roman empire.
These games were inserted in Germany, Normandia and England after the breakdown of Rome and they ended up being the base of the boxing and of the up-to-date fight.
This registered one that some types of fights by hand open they were widely practiced formerly in China.
The art of Palgwae flourished during the era of Ju Gong (on or about 2000 years A.C) and he/she left perfecting during the dynasty Song 1000 years later.
All over the world numerous fight styles with feet and hands have been developed, each one of those which reflective the necessities of the moment and the historical and cultural domestic base where you originates.
In China, the fight by hand open Kung called herself. ugh or Daeji. Chon, in India Selambam, in France Savate, in Japan Judo, karate, Aikido, Jujitsu, in Russia Samba, in Malaysia Bosilat, in Thailand Muay Tay, in Korea is known as Taek. Kyon, Soo Bak Gi and Taekwon-do.
Some in these car-defense ways, without a doubt some is as old as the same humanity. Serious virtually impossible of scanning the fight with feet and hands at a single beginning.
Certainly there are many legends regarding the origins of such combats without armament and frequently it has been let that the legend is accepted as truth.
There are some authorities that you/they believe that the combat by hand open you originates in China during the century VI for a called renowned Buddhist monk Bodhiharma (Fuzz in Chinese, Daruma in Japanese), a Hindu king's third son, Brahmin, which was known as the Zen Buddhist's twentieth eighth Hindu patriarch.
The essence of the Zen one or tenet of tranquility is to govern to the material desire, to be able to, it covets, vanity through an interior clarification.
Daruma (449 - 529 d.C.) supposedly I travel from a monastery to the south of India to China via Himalayas to instruct the king of the Dynasty Liang in you practice them of the Buddhism.
It is sustained that when arriving to China, he/she went to a called monastery I Temper Shaoling located in the mountains Shao Shink in the year 520 d.C. .
There I take the task of teaching Buddhism to the Chinese monks. They were exhausted of the severe displina and the intense step marked by Daruma. To train they accepted the hardness of the discipline. Daruma inserted them to a method of physical and mental conditioning summarized in the books I. Ping Kyong (I develop of the muscle) and If Shim Kyong (mind laundry). This was to route them to the release of all conscious control and therefore to allow them to obtain clarification. At the same time, to supplement their daily financial years with Shih Pa Him - they Have (18 hand movements Him. they Have), which imitate the posture of 18 religious different idols
The result was that they transformed into the most formidable combatants in all China.
It is also said that this method was lately merged with SHIH PA HIM. they HAVE to form the famous boxing of SHAOLING or CH' YAN FA (method of the grip of SHAOLING).
Historical few memories sustain this history. When studying with carefulness the tests, it is more feasible than DARUMA it has arrived in China during the Dynasty Liang in the century VI. Initially he/she wanted to teach the Buddhism to the re Moo Je in Kwang Joo but they denied him/her their appearance on the lands of the palace. The missionary, because, he/she left to a petty country located in the north of called China Ui where they invited it so that he/she taught the King Myong Je. Due to reasons that we don't know Daruma I decline their invitation and you retirement to the temple Shaoling where you is meditating and being devoted to the cult until their death, happened nine years later.
Among the century 1º to.C. and the century 7º d.C., the Korean peninsula was divided in 3 Kingdom Seat, Koguryo and Baek Je, Seat the but petty of these Kingdom, it was always invaded and oppressed by its 2 powerful neighboring countries of the North and western. During the Kingdom of Chin Heung, 24º king of Seat. The young aristocrats and combatants transformed into the body of elite of called officers HWA RANG. DO.
The body of having soldered besides the ordinary training, with lance, arch, swords and hooks, he/she also practiced a mental discipline and physics and different combat forms with hands and feet. To strengthen their bodies they climbed sharp mounts, they crossed the rivers of turbulent waters during the coldest months and they didn't scant their efforts to get ready to the defense of their homeland.
To go and to give purpose to their chivalry, they incorporated a code of behavior of five points settled down by the but Buddhist famous monk and erudite inside their country, WON KANG.
1. To be loyal their King.
2. To be obedient with their parents.
3. To be honorable with their friends.
4. Never to decrement in combat
5. To kill with justice
HWA RANG. DO was made he/she takes place in the peninsula for its courage and its ability in combatting, even winning the respect of its worst enemies.
The force that derives from the respect to the code allowed them to carry out feats that became legendary. Many of those young brave died in the battle field when entering in their youth, some didn't have but of 14 or 15 years.
They are many the historical tests that you/they affirm the existence of in a combat way with the hands and the feet during the period of Seat and Koguryo. Certain postures resemble Taekyon or the techniques of Japanese Jujitsu.
It seems that the combatants of HWA RANG. DO gave a new address to the primitive method of fight with the foot taking it to the combat and spreading the starts of HWA RANG. DO. The mental new concept., as well as the physique, they took the combat with the foot at art level.
During the period of HWA RANG DO the primitive called original method SOO BAK GI was very popular among the men of the dynasty Koguryo. People appraised SOO a lot BAK GI. During the festival they GIVE. OR (May of the lunar schedule 5) and during the festivals of half-filled of the autumn (August of the lunar schedule 15) were organized competitions of SOO BAK GI besides the Korean fight, of the fight with chord and of JEKI CHAGI.
The Korean famous historian Dr. Danjag Shin Chae Ho, in its texts on Chosun, describes the ability competitions and courage that took place under astonishing conditions; the dance with swords and certain aquatic sports were organized on icy rivers to browse the courage and the perseverance of the competitors. The shot with arch and Taekyon was good for testear its ability and strength.
The winners received the I title of they are - Bi.
All this was considered as necessary for the combatants and the winners were very dear for the ladies; Dr. Danjag also writes that the art of SOO BAK GI was probably taken to China with the name of Kwon Bup and like a form of Jujitsu to Japan.
Searching documents historical relatives about the martial Korean arts, it was interesting to discover that the 3º king of the Dynasty Lee (1401 - 1408) recruits experts of Taekyon actively, Sirum (it fights Korean), pitchers of stones, archers and SOO BAK GI to organize an I exercise strong.
Historical numerous documents seem to indicate that such combat forms by hand naked they were exported Japan then and they constituted the base of Japanese Jujitsu or of the Karate.
HWA RANG Korean DO maybe was the ancestor of the Japanese samuráis. In their book Matutatsu Oyama, famous character of the karate in Japan, mentions that the etymology, probably comes from the domestic name in the south part of the Korean peninsula.
Vital points
The vital point in Taekwon-do is defined like a sensitive part of the body or that it can break, vulnerable in the event of attack. It is necessary for a student of TKD that knows those different points perfectly so that it can use the attack parts or of defense but suitable. An attack indiscriminate debit side to be rejected by their inefficacy and their usage of useless energy.
The student has to observe that to cause a considerable wound, she will have to use different forces toward vital different points. For example a minimum force can generate an important damage if this concentrated one toward the neck.
On the other hand, the front part of the abdomen, when this tensed correctly, it can resist considerable forces without more damage for the interior organs.
We can divide the vital points in two groups:
General ledgers: A wound can produce the death or a permanent injury.
Pettier: A wound doesn't threaten to the life but it generates a suffering and a temporary inability.
To simplify this idea, the human body is divided in 5 groups: the head, the neck, the thorax, the abdomen, the genital extraneous organs, and the 4 extremities.
The Head
The structure of the head is composed of the skull that protects the whole interior of the head. The skull in if same it is subdivided in 28 bones, 8 of those which protect and they preserve the brain.
The eyes are located deeply in their cavities in such a way that are protected in the event of kick or punch, I save in the event of attack with the fingers of the hand or of the foot, which could cause enough important wounds. The nose is composed on one side bony (block nasal), and cartilage (the extremity of the nose). A blow toward the nose can cause a fracture (break) and/or a leak. Anything of that is very serious generally.
The mouth this constituted by the maxillary one in which the roots of the higher teeth are, and for the mandible (inferior) that sustains the interior teeth. The surface of the mouth this busy one for the tongue. The lips constitute the external cover of the teeth. The higher lip has a furrow.
Their line half, called filtrum (whose only interest is that it serves as benchmark). The wounds in the mouth generally produce a break of teeth, wound in the lips or a wound in to tongue, and but rarely, a fracture of bones. The hearings can be divided partly interior and extraneous part. The extraneous part is visible, the intern is not it. A wound in the extreme part generally carries an indent or an inflammation. In general it is not serious.
However, a blow toward the auditory channel that takes to the interior part of the ear, can generate the break of the membrane of the eardrum and to cause serious injuries and a temporary deafness.
It is very important to understand that a directed blow to any part of the head, the sufficiently actual thing, will give for result a lost one conscientious.
This should be seen as a serious although alone blow it can cause a pettier damage or of little importance, it can be a sign of possible death.
The Neck
The neck can be done as the trunk connector of the head with the remainder of the body. It works like support and conduit of the head.
It sustains the head thanks to the cervical (neck) vertebras, it is the first part of the spine. The other parts are the thoracic (the chest) box the lumbar (the abdomen) ones, the sacred (among the hip bones) one and coxis.
The cervical ones are constituted by 7 vertebras inside which there is a channel that contains the spinal cord. The ledges that continue until the other body parts, come out between two of the spinal cord neighboring vertebras.
A wound in any part of the dorsal spina can generate the break of a vertebra that moving, it carries the compression or the break of a ledge on the spinal cord. That can take to a paralysis of the muscles of the body part innervated by the ledge or that of the spinal cord. The part driver extends toward the front of the cervical ones. The larynx and the trachea that it takes the air toward the lungs are in front. Behind this the esophagus for which the foods go to the stomach. The arteries carotids (one of each side) that take blood from the heart toward the brain are to the side. A wound in the larynx, in the trachea or in the carotid it can be very serious and to generate a sudden death.
Wounds in the esophagus are quite strange I save with a knife or a shot directed toward the neck.
The Chest
The chest this constituted by the box toraxica, the lungs, the heart and the aorta with the vein dig (that they bring blood from and toward the heart). The box toraxica this constituted by the ribs and the muscles. It represents an excellent protection of the interior organs that surrounds. For consequence the lungs, the heart and the arteries suffer wounds in very strange cases in Taekwon-do. It is necessary to note however that the half part of the column that extends toward the center of the rear part of the chest, is very vulnerable in the event of direct blows. A blow rushed toward the chest of a woman caused a very intense pain but the damages in this part they are very scarce and unusual.
The Abdomen
The abdomen is a hole that contains numerous organs.
This formed up by the diaphragm and and pelvic diaphragm below.
This flanked one for the abdominal wall partly frontal and lateral, the rear part of the abdomen this constituted by the lumbar ones and the paraspinal muscles. It is also necessary to know that the lumbar ones constituted by five vertebras, are the only maintenance solidó of the abdomen. A damage in the paraspinal muscles caused shoulder pains that you/they will be able to generate a disqualification for several months or years. The organs of the abdomen are the liver, the pancreas, the spleen and the kidneys. A direct blow toward these organs can carry a rupture and an indent that could be mortal. Alone the stomach and the bowels can be hurt with a knife or a shot. A blow toward the solar plexus can cause momentary disqualification, but he/she won't have any long term consequence. As for the women a blow to the genital extraneous organs is very painful but they don't involve any consequence. While for the man a directed blow toward the genital organs carries an interior haemorrhage of the testicles and the impossibility in the future of procreating. This undoubtedly the bound consequences to these blows are very serious.
The Extremities
The arms are together to the body through the clavicle and the scapula.
A wound is this place it is not, generally, very serious, the shoulder can be dislocated easily and to cause the compression of the ledges and veins that pass to the arm through the arm pit.
Note that the arm pit you desprotege as soon as one lifts the arms. For the interior side of the elbow for the cubital ledge. This is a vulnerable point.
Fractures of the doll or of the hand they cannot seem serious but they can cause disqualification for a long time.
The knees are also very weak in the event of lateral attack. Not forget that the broken knee is weak forever. The tibias and the feet are reached easily. however, damages in these parts are temporary.
All the students should know the first helps, including the artificial respiration. Regarding interior wounds, it is necessary to maintain restful the wounded part and chequear their complexity, the conscientious state, the pulse and the respiration. Not move the body in any sense and call forthwith to the I prescribe.
Not be about making the wounded person walk, neither to jump. It could aggravate the interior haemorrhage if the there is.
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