If he/she doesn't get complicated the cornea, the conjunctivitis sick person it notes the appearance of foreign bodies, nuisances to the light or fotofobia, pain, difficulty in the visual effort and fleeting enturbiamiento more or less repeated of the vision, with general ledger or pettier secretion of exudates that can be filiform, serous or purulentos, according to the conjunctivitis class that is suffered. to the awakening, the lids are more or less sticky, edematosos and red. The slot of the lids diminishes of size and the conjunctival tumefacta is observed, red and frequently with petty ecchymosis, that is to say, by way of petty haemorrhages localized in the funds of sack conjuntivales.
For the treatment of these conjunctivitis, diverse collyriums can be used that exist in the market: of astringent type for the filiform secretions, sulfamidados in the serous exudations, and antibiotics in the forms purulentas. Nevertheless, it should be had it enters that of not being appraised an immediate improvement, it is preferable to consult to the expert who will determine the conjunctivitis type and their perfect treatment and cure exactly forthwith.
He/she suits to remember that the conjunctivitis chronicles or not well treated they are much more difficult of curing and they can produce complications in the cornea. In the children, more specifically in the newly born ones, special care should be had, making sure that an obstruction of the channels excretoras doesn't exist. Be like outside, he/she should be treated the conjunctivitis as soon as possible to avoid serious complications in the cornea that you/they can affect in the future to the vision. The conjunctivitis gonocócicas, diftéricas or variolosas, they are extraordinarily serious for who suffers them.
Non debit side to forget the conjunctivitis tracomatosa that although in the last years it has fallen vastly in importance, they continue existing cases in an endemic way, susceptible of infection and of chronic path, as the spring conjunctivitis that charges vigor annually in the station changes.
Finally, he/she suits to keep in mind that the conjunctival one is susceptible of suffering different tumors, benign or malignant, for what you/they should not be neglected never, although they don't produce pains and not even nuisances. It is advisable to consult to the family doctor who will indicate the convenience that he/she sees them the oculist.
A curious formation conjuntival, in general benign that usually leaves of the interior angle of the eye toward the cornea, with trend to cover it, it is the pterygium, called this way by their form and light transmission that make it similar to the wing of an insect. If this pterygium of dilatory path, is progressive, it requires surgical treatment.
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