Who wants verifiable explanations, he/she should know that the bacteria that intervene in the decomposition from the bones of dead animals to the bleakness dislodge certain afterglow that, among superstitious people, he/she receives the name of bad" "light. Animals and plants decompose and they dissolve, discharging of yes gases (hydrogen and matches, among other) that to the contact with the air become inflamed and they emanate a light semi blued. The circumstance of being this lights in taperas, cemeteries and places with mud and without too much contact with the civilization, it contributes to encourage in the spirit of some people certain concern that perhaps, he/she gave origin to the other part of the history, the one that narrates you in vents, almost in whisper. The one that speaks of souls in pain that you/they continue in the world of the alive ones in form of a light, the bad light.
When the compatriot sees one of these lights and talonea to the pony so that it takes it far from the place, the light begins to follow it. Scientifically, the explanation is that the one cleared that he/she goes leaving the movement of the horse and horseman they are occupied by the adjacente air that travels in the same address and with same speed that the terrified compatriot, taking gets the gases that give origin to the fluorescence.
In search of an explanation for this phenomenon, many people allocate this appearance to the appearance of a wandering soul that has not been able to still to rest in peace, or the one of somebody that received violent death and it reclaims vengeance. That soul is punishing and it takes the name of bad light. Others say that that light is the death that he/she comes to warn to some that they received the hour. Be which is the explanation, the best thing it is to have it very far, more if he/she has a green tint. In that case, it is the bad light, it is really of the bads.
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