Belief superstition or bare terror story, the certain thing is that the legend of the wolfman is counted in the whole world for hundred of years. It is more, the wolfman had its minute of glory, or rather, its time of gold. It was there for the XVI century. In France, for example, it was spoken that it existed kind of an epidemic of crimes caused by the wolfman (call there "loup garou"). For this lawsuit, and for the fear that invaded people every time that was spoken of the beast, more than 30.000 people that assured to become animals they were roasted alive, hung up or decapitated.
The certain thing is that the history of the wolfman is counted different it counts it to him according to where. Thousands of explanations have been assayed to be about understanding man's transformations in murderous beast. Among them it is said that a seventh male son of a family without daughters, wolfman is always born, and that although it grows without any signal that identifies it as beast, in the day fewer thought the boy it attacks. It is also said that a partnership agreement with the demon can cost who doesn't make it, to have to live the remainder of its life like wolfman. It is even commented that if they are carried out rituals in having determined dates it nails, something can come out bad and the witchdoctor to end transformed into wolfman. And until it is said that who drinks water of the puddle of where he drank a wolf, he transforms into wolfman.
These beliefs died down in the XIX century, when the reason seemed to win to the superstitions that you/they spoke of this beast, and the lobizón he only stayed I live in the literature and in the cinema. However, still today, in the nights of full moon, there is who revive the man's history that for an or another reason, he transforms into beast and it howls alerting the neighbors.
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