1-high grade of toxicity of the used medicine and whose symptoms show up in most of the cases.
2-certain patients, for different reasons and as soon as determined, but not related with the allergy, they don't tolerate, like it is current, the chemical substances. To procure a pharmacological desirable share, it becomes precise to be administered them to much pettier and more unusual dose. We speak then of intolerance.
3-in some occasions, the effects that are expected are absolutely cross to those that it was logical to wait. It is about a personal paradox and it is for example what happens, when when giving an antihistamínico that averagely produces drowsiness, the individual it responds with a nervous general excitabilidad, desorbitada and unforeseeable; we could speak then of idiosyncrasy, in the sense fully etymological of the word.
4-in other cases, the fellow can enter, immediately to the entry of the medicine, whichever it is the nature of this and the contact modality, a type of divorced reaction completely dela nature of the substance and of his share farmacodinámica. It connects it with what the physicians are accustomed to see when they speak of syndromes anafilácticos or allergic. The word allergy should be reserved for this reaction type that involves a sensitization; it doesn't import now, and here, if in the antecedents they are allergy traces or not, and if they believe to know or on the contrary to ignore, the mechanism humoral or cellular that has unchained it.
5-finally, it exists another group of patients that, in front of the entry of a chemical substance of the type medicine, they unchain shocks with circulatory immediate failure that you/they very possibly owe you to the release of a substance called histamine whose pharmacological affection is the responsible for the serious dysfunctions. The relationships that can exist among the lawsuit, the allergic etiology and the pathogenetic unchaining mechanism, the histamine, they cannot be described here.
Until another type of anomalous answers to the medicines, such as those that in fact show up when discontinuing them; still in case, until that moment, they were very supported; it constitutes it an answer rarity that, for the unusual thing, we only mention it.
The clinical boxs to that the allergy medicamentosa can give place are extremely varied, I eat for example: shock of the type anafiláctico that is the most serious in these accidents; syndrome similar to the illness of the serum; fever medicamentosa, possibly many times to the own antibiotics and whose appearance suspicion outlines the physician a therapeutical query quite difficult of resolving; alterations cellular hemáticas; asthmatic crisis, rinitis and allergic conjunctivitis; cutaneous manifestations, of the erythema type, urticaria, edema, eczema; and hepatic, renal and gastrointestinal alterations.
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