The basket of the newly born debit side to include:
1 normal thermometer
1 bathroom thermometer
1 chaser
1 brush
1 pacifier
1 natural sponge
1 bottle of special colony for children
1 bottle of liquid, better soap still bactericide
1 box of sticks to clean the nose and that heard
1 bottle of oleum protector for the buttocks
1 boat of talc for the neck and the arm pits, in order to avoid the close contact of the clothes
The team of clothes understands:
4 robes of wiper of long sleeve
2 dummies figure 0
2 dummies figure 1
2 bodies
12 diapers
4 booties
4 blankets
3 bathroom towels
1 bathroom layer
4 stockings
1 muffler if it is cold
The baby's underwear should not have bellboys neither alfilarias and he/she should close with velcro or tapes.
All the plug-in (coats, dresses, pants, etc) clothes, varies according to the station and the mom's taste; but the most important thing is to shelter it of agreement with the time.
The shoes should leave free the movements of the muscles and therefore, the tendons of the feet. It is necessary to choose a rational shoe that avoids the leveling of the plantar bank vault and that it prevents the boy to twist the ankle. Until the two years it is advisable the high boot of leather with lateral rigid and hard buttresses. The later buttress is useless. It is necessary a heel from five to eight millimeters. The sole should be floppy with the very wide tip. In general it is preferable not to use of form continuing sandals or rubber shoes, those that favor the sudoración and with it, the maceration and irritation of the skin of the feet. Also, it is not very advisable the continuing use of the nylon socks in the hot times for the same reason.
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