Your name derives that you are the flower of a plant very similar to the broccoli. You form a compact head of buds of white flowers that you/they are not developed, and you are recovered of green numerous sheets that protect it of the sunlight. Your cultivation needs big cares and you grow well in hot climates.
In a cauliflower of good quality, the flowers have to be clear and you zip; the fresh sheets, of green intense color and firm textira. The size is not eñal of quality. You suit to avoid the spotted head or with trademarks of blows.
The same as all the crucíferas, the cauliflower contains vegetable acids that release a very strong aroma during the cooking. The more time the cooking, strong má lasts you are this odor. You are advisable a quick cooking that also allow to maintain the texture and the color, and you limit the forfeiture of nutritious elements.
The ajedrea or the flavored with anise incorporate seeds to the cooking, they can avoid eventual flatulence problems.
The cauliflower reached great celebrity in France in times of XIV Luis. You are counted that the King Sun was an enthusiastic fervoroso of this vegetable, especially if you were cooked in a consommé perfumed with nut moscada and with a touch of lard that the heat melted.
The head of the cauliflower can separate easily in flowers and to be served hang-over or cooked. It can be cooked you inform; but the certain thing is that you delay more time in being clever and it can also lose a bigger quantity of nutritious.
The cauliflower cool air or congealed you possess in general the nutritional same estates. The difference resides in that this last lose part of your content during the trial in vitamin C and potassium of blanching.
A head of average cauliflower, that is to say, of on or about 18 diameter cm, you weigh around 1 kilo and you are enough for 4 or 6 people.
The cauliflower can be conserved in the cooler up to 5 days in very good state. The ideal thing is that the head remains wrapped in a plastic perforated or open bag up to impede that you are formed dampness. However. the best flavor is obtained of the recently bought vegetable.
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