Division of undergrowths: the spring is a good time to exercise this task in plants as ferns, marantas, and other. You remove the plant of the gavel and you start an or different undergrowths carefully. You separate the earth gently so that you can see the connections among the buds. Separate them. Transplanta the buds in gavels with the suitable earth for each specie, you delete 30% of the foliage of each new plant on or about.
Esquejes: spring and start of the summer, they are the most suitable times to reproduce plants for esdqueje of shafts. So that the esqueje develops quicker roots, you take a bath the end of the cut with powders of enraizamiento hormone. Añgunas plants can reproduce for sheet esqueje, I eat the African violet, the sansiveriana and some begonias for example.
Fertilizers: the deadnettles are excellent fertilizers, very rich in iron besides effective insecticides against the plant louse and the acarids. You allow to macerate in the sun 1 kg of sheets itched (without seeds) in 10 liters of water. The intense odor that dislodge the mixture, will announce you when she is clever. You dilute then 20 times to water new plants, and 50 times if you use it as insecticide.
The water in that you boiled eggs or potatoes with your respective shell, is also an excellent fertilizer.
The wine is a good energy for the ferns.You are also advisable to add you, from time to time, the previously saliferous meat juice, since you are an ideal nuetriente. Of this last it should not be abused.
Acidity of the floor: the sprinkling contínuo "sweeps" the sour components of the floor. The acidity is main to prevent the proliferation of plagues. To restore it, you blend 1/2 cup of apple vinegar in 5 liters of water, and you water later on more or less with her each 15 or 20 days.
Another homemade petition consists on dumping the herb of the mat, used, in the mecetas; to blend it well with the earth and then to usually water.
Bulbs: so that the bulbs quick brotenmás, you are that colcarlos already prepared in a vessel with very fertile earth. Then wrap them with plastic or newspaper sheets. Maintain them in a fresh place until the shaft has a height from among 2,5 and 4 cm. Then, uncover them and transfer them to a hot environment so that they flourish.
Every two weeks, you add a dose of liquid fertilizer to the sprinkling water. After the floración, the bulbs are taken out of the earth, they allow to dry off and you guerdan.
Ants: These so voracious insects are elérgicos to the lemon. If you discover that they have invaded your rosebushes, for example, or to another of your trees, you go lemon by the trunk and the paths.
Homemade insecticides: To delete plant lice, you pulverize your plants with an infusion of tobacco plant.
Prepare it leaving 4 or 5 cigarettes in a liter of water the whole night. Filter it and you add soapy water of laundry soap the clothes. The white communio soap is very actual to almost combat the whole more common plagues. In a liter of water it dissolves a soap piece until achieving a good foam. With clean cotton untrozo with this infusion the sheets one for one. You repeat the following week. The treatments for plants should be applied at dusk, so that they act during the night.
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