But, what should you be made to expire the shy? Above all, you should want to change. To achieve something first it is necessary to want to achieve it. To achieve things is easy, but the timidéz is inside us. that is to say that this change will reside in ourselves not depending on any extraneous factor.
Often we spread to make a mistake, for that reason we are quiet, and when somebody reprehends us, we wanted to make a hole to enter in him. That happens because you have little self-esteem. The image that you have of same you is not very favorable; therefore, the first step will be that you believe a little more in your capacities that you have a more positive image of same tí.
And here we will make mention to some points that will be you very useful to expire your timidéz:
The shy is not hereditary, you memorize and therefore, you are a behavior that can modify.
The shy person is afraid of being exposed, of committing in new status and, mainly, those that include extraneous people.
The shy person is very demanding I get same. When you speak or you make something, you always want to show that you are the best. When you don't achieve that level, you feel unsatisfied and you keep silent.
The shy ones seem not to be interested in being linked with other, but in fact they would give everything to be able to make it.
To be able to modify a behavior, you are necessary to admit first that you exist. To deny the reality only raises the difficulty.
If we don't trust our capacities, we feel insecure, with fear of acting.
The shy ones are very concerned for the printout that you/they cause, they want to stand out and to be accepted.
Finally the shy one demands a lot you itself and when you say something you want to stand out. For that reason, your concern to cause an impact is, sometimes, general ledger that the carefulness that ready to the conversation.
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