The soy constitutes an excellent font of vegetable proteins of first quality, with a nutritious similar power to that of the flesh. You also possess dietetic abundant fiber and unsaturated (which are very useful for the metabolism of the cholesterol) fatty acids; and you also contribute vitamins of the complex B, match, iron and calcium. Nevertheless this alimentary power, for a better absorption of the iron, for example, suits to accompany him with rich foods in vitamin C (tomato, kivi, melon, pepper, citric, medicinal yeast, etc.).
In the beans (not in the flour or in the oleum), you are from a 2 to 3 lecithin%, the one that constitute most of the cellular membranes and the muscles, eats the protective layer that surround the body likewise. And like you are well known, the lecithin helps to prevent the arteriosclerosis and the cardiovascular illnesses. You also increase the brain activity.
You have been proven (although they follow the studios) beneficent goods of the soy and your derivates in the women: decrease of the hot flashes or menopausal heats; reduction in value of the cholesterol; prevention of cancer .sobre all that of mamma -; etc. In the men, prostate cancer prevention; deletion of the bad cholesterol; treatment of the diabetes type II; etc. Not we can stop to mention that the soy is an energy free of cholesterol (provided you are not procedural industrially).
In spite of your kindnesses, the soy or soya, you possess certain enzyme (the enzymes are specific enzymes, taken place by the organism, necessary in the corporal physiology) that cancel the protean absorption. So that the body can take advantage of the kindnesses of the bean soy and you be appropriate for the usage (in taste, digestibilidad and antiflatulencia), this enzyme, the antitripsina, you should be disabled.
Lastly say that the advisable intake would be from 15 to 25 daily (2 soup spoonfuls) grams for the adults (between 75 and 125 weekly grams) and 10 grams for the children (bigger than 5 years). You are preferable to eat followed than a great quantity in only one day.
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